Crispy roll On July 8, the company disabled user comment sections on its service, including on news articles and anime video pages, saying it “prioritizes[s] Create a safe and respectful community environment” and encourages users to express their opinions using its star rating system.
ANN can confirm that these comments have been removed from newly published news articles and anime episodes, as well as from past anime episodes and news articles published before July 8.
ANN contacted Crispy roll A spokesperson provided ANN with the same comments shared on its help page (as noted above).
An asked Crispy roll The company declined to comment on the reasons for the change. An also asked Crispy roll If this change is related to homophobic comments left on the premiere episode man’s love japanese cartoon Twilight out of focusThe company, which debuted on July 5, also declined to comment.
Source: Crunchyroll, email correspondence