Today, October 28, comments go live Dragon Age: Veiled Wardens. I commented here my cityEven though I’ve been bored with the series for the better part of a decade, I really enjoyed the long-awaited fourth entry. It currently has an overall ranking of 84 on review sites metacriticwhich is roughly consistent with where these games usually land. original Dragon Age: Origins Sitting at 86, with Inquisitionthe third entry in the series, ranks close to 84. dragon age 2probably the most controversial game in the series, ranked 79th. Veil GuardI know this is going to elicit some pretty mixed reactions from people. There are 10 points and some mid-range scores. You can even find some people who directly say that they “Not recommended” Just like YouTuber Skill Up did when discussing all the issues with BioWare’s latest title. But what’s the problem? Why are people so divided? Well, everything, is exactly what it sounds like. ——Kenneth Shepherd Read more