Coca-Cola has been making Christmas ads for a very very long time. But its latest one is created using AI generation tool It’s a horrible, ugly mess.
It’s mid-November, which according to every store I’ve been to lately, actually means Christmas. As is tradition in November and December, our TV ads are also all Christmas-themed. There are some classic ads out there, but Coca-Cola’s latest spot won’t join those ranks as it’s an ugly mess generated by artificial intelligence that looks embarrassing.
First, Before we continue, here’s a look at terrible AI mistakes:
I don’t have enough time to describe how ugly and scary this AI-generated ad is, but there are a few things that stand out: the truck doesn’t have moving wheels, but slides along the ground; the house in the background looks like it’s melting ;Everything in every shot feels static.
Anyway this sucks but what made me laugh was reading An article from proverb About the creation of advertising. Apparently, Coca-Cola paid for three of the ads, which were produced by different “artificial intelligence studios.”
Here’s some information about the squirrel featured in the ad posted above:
The opening shot in the ad is a squirrel generated by artificial intelligence, which took many attempts to succeed. [Secret Level AI studio founder Jason] Zada said. “We must have chased that squirrel away. [through AI] It appears hundreds of times at the beginning of that video.
This was a shot that took them a long time to get “right”.

Well done to you guys for wasting time and a lot of electricity creating ugly squirrels instead of just licensing some footage of real squirrels or – here’s an idea – going outside with a camera and filming some squirrels.
Keep in mind that many of the shots in this ad may have been retouched by humans as well. You can tell that all of the Coca-Cola logos that appear in it were most likely added after the film was produced because they’re all so perfect. Oh, because they’re swaying from side to side, as if someone quickly covered up the garbled Coca-Cola logo with a nice PNG.
Anyway, look, I know I shouldn’t get too upset about this. This is Coca-Cola’s Christmas ad. But what scares me is that this could be the future because a lot of people won’t notice.
I think a lot of people who are too busy to actually watch this stuff will see this ad come on their TV while chatting with family and friends over the holidays and someone might say, “Oh, I love Coca-Cola’s Christmas ad!” Everyone would agree and move on. How many people are going to realize that the crap generated by artificial intelligence is just being fed to them by one of the biggest companies in the world who decided not to have real people make stuff but instead save money and produce some ads that look like shit? The future is bad.