©Ino Asano/Shogakukan/DeDeDeDe Committee
The mothership’s reactor is melting. If it is not stopped, the resulting explosion will spell the end of humanity. So this week’s episode is all about one thing: how Kakuzu and Ouran deal with the impending apocalypse.
In Cardaud’s case, she used it to motivate herself to do things she’d been too afraid (or embarrassed) to do. She basically throws herself into her old teacher, Wataraze, and loses her virginity to him. It was both a personal triumph and a sad scene. What Kakude really wants is something she and Wataraze can never have: a loving relationship.
Watarase is a person who is basically drifting in life. He has no larger goals or ambitions. Girls come in and out of his life, and he seems to have no real emotional attachment to any of them. However, he seemed to at least understand himself and Kadodd. He knows he can’t be in the kind of relationship she wants, and tells her this, explaining that he’ll be leaving Tokyo soon anyway. But she still slept with him, so that she would have less regrets.
Ouran is also dealing with heart issues. She and Oppa spend more and more time together. Frankly speaking, she has grown to love the aliens as more than just friends. This posed a big problem for her. She likes Oppa, and he likes her, but she feels that something happened to him that might make him leave her forever. This was her worst fear. Whether it’s a natural phenomenon within her character or an echo from an alternate-world version of Kadod’s death, Ouran suffers from some serious abandonment issues.
Of course, she has reason to worry about Oppa. At this moment, he faces an identity crisis. He has seen humanity at its worst, slaughtering his own kind like bugs. But now with Kadood and friends, he sees the best in humanity. Frankly, being with Ouran and the others made him feel human.
Ironically, it was Ouran, the one person who most wanted him to stay by her side, who got him into his current crisis. Although he wants to pretend to be human and live like one, Ouran sees and accepts him for what he really is – an alien with a human body. Because of this, he is in a unique position to prevent the collapse of the mothership. After all, he had the technology, language skills, and, if necessary, the physical strength needed to reach the mothership and overwhelm those who ensured disaster. Of course, even he knew it was most likely a suicide mission and was therefore in trouble. Which is more important to him: Ouran’s life or her happiness? We’ll just have to tune in next week to find out.
Random thoughts:
• When humans are the real invaders, does that mean we are from another planet? Or do you think we are ecological invaders: just like when the “aliens” left, humans had not yet evolved? So when they came back, they were expecting unintelligent animals instead of modern humans occupying their ecological niche?
• In this timeline, Kodade and Ouran never went on the cram trip and therefore never found the aliens.
• I love the little bits of visual storytelling, like Ouran wearing the same dress that Kakude wears on her date with Watarase later in the episode. They are so close that they share clothes casually.
• Another great visual storytelling moment? After Ohba reveals his real body to Makoto, Makoto does the same thing, swimming without a wig – and no one treats him any differently.
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededed Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.