If you thought Care Bears couldn’t get any cuter, you’d be wrong. The Care Bears partner with The Birthday Party Project to host themed birthday parties for homeless children.
“Share Your Care Day” held on September 9 every year encourages Care Bears fans to share, care and care through small acts of kindness, volunteer service, helping those in need, etc. The focus of this year’s Share You Care Day is to organize birthday celebrations for children who are unable to celebrate their birthdays every year due to lack of resources.
In addition to the Care Bears birthday party, the Care Bears will also be donating stuffed animals monthly over the next year to ensure children have a friend to cuddle with at the end of the day.
The Care Bears also work with local charities and community groups in the UK, Australia and Canada to spread the love and joy of the Care Bears to children around the world. You can learn more about birthday party programs on their official website.