The company behind hit games cards against humanity The company has filed a lawsuit against Texas-based Elon Musk’s SpaceX over alleged trespassing, according to a website set up by the company. SpaceX has been using the property in the manner specified in the lawsuit, clearing vegetation, moving soil and housing construction equipment. Cards Against Humanity is seeking $15 million in damages.
Cards Against Humanity initially purchased property along the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent it from being used for then-President Donald Trump’s planned wall. The card company raised money through crowdfunding to purchase the land and has owned it ever since.
“Elon Musk, whose SpaceX is building some space facilities nearby, thinks he can dump his own shit on our beautiful land without asking,” Cards Against Humanity said on its website said in introducing the lawsuit. “After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer that was less than half the value of our land. We said, ‘Fuck you, Elon Musk. We’ll see you in court. .
The site calls Musk a “charity-grabbing, conspiracy-peddling eugenicist who trades horses for in-flight masturbation,” with links to every infamous story about the billionaire. It included charges of alleged trespassing and an explanation of why they felt a lawsuit was necessary.
“Our longstanding reputation as a company that makes egregious promises and delivers on them is at stake!” the company said on its website. “We promise that we will use every legal tool at our disposal to protect this land from bullies like Trump and Musk (who spent millions to get Trump elected and want to build stupid walls). If If we don’t take action now, why would anyone trust us again?
The full text of the complaint can be read online and even includes before and after photos of the property, showing how pristine it looked before it was filled with SpaceX construction materials and heavy equipment. SpaceX did not respond to an email seeking comment Friday.
Cards Against Humanity said that if the company wins its lawsuit against SpaceX, it will distribute the money to those who helped buy back the property through a crowdfunding campaign in 2017. That means if the company wins a full $15 million settlement, each donor could potentially receive about $100. Anyone who contributed to the original crowdfunding campaign is encouraged to visit the website and provide their information.
But don’t get your hopes up about a payday. The disclaimer when signing up is pretty straightforward.
“I know Musk has more money and lawyers than Cards Against Humanity, and while CAH will try their best to raise $100 for me, they may only be able to raise $2, or most likely nothing at all,” the website reads. Can’t get it.
In fact, he did have more money and lawyers. Musk is indeed the richest man in the world.