Watch here, the first trailer for Captain America: Brave New World, showing us what’s to come when Anthony Mackie takes up the shield again and fights some bad guys in the name of America.
All the big names get plenty of time in the film’s first trailer, which is expected to hit theaters on February 14, 2025. Si as Falcon, and there’s even a mustache-free Harrison Ford as Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross. Oh, and finally, we get a quick glimpse of Red Hulk, because who doesn’t need a color change every once in a while.
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Like all good trailers, the movie basically gives us a great snapshot of the movie’s story, with Ford’s Ross summoning Sam Wilson to propose making Captain America an official tool of the U.S. military, something Wilson definitely doesn’t want Become a fan. Maybe Ross also explained why he shaved at the same time, who knows?
While the two bickered a bit throughout the event, we got to see a lot of action with Captain America wielding his shield, and a lot of things were either shot, shattered, or exploded, as often happens in movies or video games .
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Additionally, Giancarlo Esposito looks to be positioned as the villain, which could hint that some pretty big rewrites have taken place since he’s a relatively new addition to the film’s cast – at least That’s true in terms of confirmation – and his scenes were only recently filmed.
And then there’s the finale – Red Hulk. We’ve only seen footage of him catching Captain America’s shield and throwing it to the ground, so apparently this could be one of the big fights Brave New World gives us.
Why is the Hulk red now, you ask? Well, maybe it’s because he knows a new Shrek movie is in the works and doesn’t want Captain America to gain a psychological advantage by yelling “Get out of my swamp!” Laugh at him. This is our first rule and we will stick to it.
Well, stop yelling, we know it’s Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross who’s doing the work.