Ace Attorney fans, your chances of getting a new game are not zero, and as Capcom promises, you can expect more from the series in the future.
As beloved as the Ace Attorney series is, it hasn’t actually released a new entry since 2017’s Ace Attorney 2: Resolve. In the years since, several series have finally brought something like this to the rest of the world for the first time, which has been welcomed by many fans of the series, but there’s still plenty of demand for a brand new game. While the studio hasn’t announced a new game yet (trust me, you’ve heard Ace Attorney fans screaming), Capcom’s Kenichi Hashimoto did recently talk to NetLab (translated via Nintendo Everything) about The future of this game.
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When asked if it was true that fans believed that purchasing Ace Attorney merchandise would encourage the production of the next game, Hashimoto said: “That’s absolutely true. After all, the support of passionate fans is not only recognized by our developers, but also also received our approval.
When talking about whether fans can expect more from the show, Hashimoto went on to share, “The Ace Attorney series will not stop producing content. We definitely have many directions we want to develop further, including mixed media. Yes. When we can reveal some things, we want to talk about some things, but right now I can’t say too much.
Mixed media can mean a lot of things, as the mystery adventure series comes in both animated and live-action form. Obviously, what fans want most is a brand new game (and a Japanese-only Professor Layton crossover), but unfortunately, for now, you’ll probably just have to keep buying more merchandise to make that happen. Funny, that.