A few years ago, my best friend convinced me to play Call of Duty: Warzonea series of battle royale games that topped the charts. While I’m aware of this for work reasons, I basically swore off the series about ten years ago, only returning and dabbling in it briefly. black ops A sub-series that I’ve come to love. I gradually fell in love with war zone Also timely, but just went through a lot of trouble trying to adapt it as a poor client and launcher for everyone else call of Duty title.
call of Duty‘s launcher is now home to the entire series, similar to the home of Riot’s launcher League of Legends, Fearless ContractWait, it launched alongside last year’s severe criticism modern warfare 3 (No, no That MW3). When it launched, it seemed like there was a default that this year’s new game would be nothing more than a flashy and rushed DLC, so the title was folded into the launcher and treated like a notch in the belt of a big brand, flat. Shop the ever-growing menu of icons. That’s all the series has released now, reflected in the fact that there are no unique Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Just like before, in my Xbox game library. Now it’s just call of Duty.
Beyond masking any semblance of identity, the hard-working studio behind call of Duty Cultivated by machines, call of Duty transmitter It is also unhelpful and devoid of any life. Few products look and feel so obviously designed by committee.
The purpose of a launcher should be to simplify picking up any number of processes call of Duty The game and its standalone mode. Every latest annual release since 2019 modern warfare are featured, and some of the versions are even split into separate modes, e.g. Modern Warfare II. The game, such as chemical oxygen demandThe launcher is divided into a single-player campaign, competitive multiplayer, co-op, and DMZ (a PvE-centric spin-off) war zone Now the confusing thing is Ministry of Information Industry instead. Now that it knows I play black ops 6zombie mode Many times there was a tile on the home screen that would take me there, and this was one of the few times the launcher felt intuitive and useful.
But most of the time, a launcher as a tool isn’t that clear or logical. At this moment, suspended in MWIII I’m prompted to install the game since I don’t have it. Clicking on it invited me to choose between the game’s multiplayer component or its campaign. vanguard, cold war, and 2019 modern warfare There are also features where the launcher treats these games as installed even though I don’t own them at all. That is, until you click on them out of curiosity, at which point you’ll be taken to a store to purchase and install them. Somehow this warning is not mentioned in the launcher!

Additionally, not every game seems to be broken down as neatly as others in the launcher. Ministry of Information IndustryAs I already pointed out, there are four different modes that I can install individually, but for older games, e.g. cold war. So on the one hand, yes, it’s clear what is where, but on the other hand, the launcher only Clear anything.
launcher, and call of Duty Overall, there is also a huge update issue, every time I launch the game, either war zone or black ops 6 now it always A reboot is required to install certain minor patches. This is a minor issue that I would easily overlook if it wasn’t common, but when it happens every damn Over time, this hiccup can quickly turn into more pain. why the fuck I need to load each call of Duty Can I play the title twice? stop.
The current design of the transmitter is actually call of duty headquartersthe common name of the launcher when it is released with Ministry of Information Industry last year. It looked pretty fancy back then, but it’s really not much better now. Sure, it might not be as ugly as it once was, but it also lacks anything in the way of color or identity. Although it is now better able to differentiate between individual products and their respective sizes – sidestepping war zone‘s previous issue Packed with the latest version – if you want to get any changes from your time, you will still encounter the bloated archive size call of Dutywhich means it is just kind of Many of the issues originally introduced with the launcher have been addressed and fine-tuned to address them.
Fortunately, it didn’t take long to navigate the ugly but simple menu to get where I needed to go, but in almost every other way, call of Duty It’s the location of the transmitter’s wet fart. I think I’d rather release a standalone version again than deal with installing and uninstalling tons of games in the future to get the desired effect call of Duty experience. So yeah, if you can’t tell, I hate it.