Two years ago, Disney+ announced that they had ordered a pilot for a new supernatural series titled Witch Mountaina reimagining of Disney’s successful film franchise. The story in the film and series is based on 1968 Alexander Key novel Escape to Witch Mountain.
Described as “a modern reimagining of a cult classic, the show takes place in the shadow of Witch Mountain and follows two teenagers who develop strange abilities and discover that their sleepy suburb may not be as idyllic as it seems. like story.
Bryce Dallas Howard (jurassic world) plays the leading role in the play and works with isabelle gravitte (watchman), Levi Miller (streamline), Bianca “B” Norwood (we crashed), and Jackson Kelly (straight man).
A pilot episode of the show was even filmed, but Howard had some sad news about the show and it looks like it will never see the light of day.
Collider reports that Howard revealed the news during a panel discussion at the Canadian Fan Expo in Toronto. When she was asked about the series, she explained:
“That didn’t happen, which was disappointing. It was a really great beat and we really enjoyed shooting it in Toronto. Some things work and some things don’t, and that’s the unfortunate fact of the industry.”
The show stars Howard as Audrey, her teenage daughter Tia (isabelle gravitte) begins to exhibit strange mental abilities.
It’s too bad this isn’t moving forward, especially since the first episode has already been filmed. I loved those movies as a kid! They tell an interesting story that is still alive today.