Captain America: Brave New World It’s set to hit theaters in two months, and we’ve already seen enough to get our adrenaline-loving, superhero-obsessed, conspiracy-theorist hearts excited for the next installment. captain america Canon. We’ve seen Harrison Ford transform from President Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross into the Red Hulk, Giancarlo Esposito as Seth Walker/Rattlesnake into a gun-toting maniac, and Anthony Mackie suit up over the years The Coolest Captain America Costumes. Now, with the latest trailer, we finally get to see more of one of the least discussed characters: Joaquin Torres/Falcon (Danny Ramirez).
In Marvel’s “special look” at the film, we see Ramirez in action wearing Sam Wilson’s old Falcon gear. It’s pretty cool to see him hurtling through the sky, dodging bombers, and often irritating Wilson by claiming he looks better in the Falcon suit than the new Captain America. There’s also a moment where the two take off their super suits and appear to be lurking around to determine whatever nefarious deeds villain Samuel Stearns (Tim Blake Nelson) is committing, and we still haven’t See him beyond the shadows.
Torres previously starred in Top Gun: Maverick, first appeared in captain america Starring Joaquin Torres in the 2021 Disney+ series Cosmos The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Ramirez attends 2024 San Diego Comic-Con explain to zero stage He didn’t even fully know what the Falcon suit would look like before they started filming. “It took months to develop it. When we were preparing for the movie, we were like, ‘Okay, Danny, try this on. Okay, try this.’ At the same time, I was Training. So when it was ready for me to wear on set, I remember looking at it and thinking, ‘Oh, this is it.
I think we all had the same reaction as Ramirez after watching the latest trailer. Now, we just have to wait until February 14th to see the Falcon fully operational.