Treyarch has officially launched Black Ops 6: Zombies, the highly anticipated return of Call of Duty, the turn-based zombie-killing action game that’s been missing for years. This isn’t just a new episode of Zombies, but a new beginning in many ways.
While the story itself may be a continuation of the Dark Aether timeline from Black Ops Cold War, many of the gameplay, quality of life, and behind-the-scenes tweaks are all new and should make for a rewarding experience for veterans and combat veterans alike.
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Treyarch has revealed a slew of updates for Zombies that should make the experience more rewarding, more customizable, and offer some noticeable upgrades over all previous iterations. Since playing Zombies requires an internet connection, there are now a range of options to help save and restore.
First, Zombies now has private matchmaking, which means anyone can join a friend’s private game (assuming there’s space and the console allows it). More importantly, however, solo players can now pause and save their matches and load them later to continue from (roughly) where they left off. In fact, if you’re inactive long enough, the game will automatically save your match.
When saving manually, you just need to make sure you’re at full health and don’t fall down or die. It cannot be saved after calling the Exfil helicopter. Given that Zombies is now always online, this means that single-player players won’t have to lose progress if they encounter any issues with their internet or Activision servers. For squad players, the game will now continue as long as the console is active, allowing anyone who disconnected to rejoin and continue playing with their squad.
Black Ops 6: Zombies continues quality of life with a fully customizable HUD that you can change to match the legacy look (removing the minimap), or tweak every individual component within it. This means turning certain elements off/on, changing their color, etc. One thing I’m particularly excited about is the ability to turn off the Pack-a-Punch weapon camo so the weapon can continue to look like a weapon rather than a toy.
Zombies also supports third-person for the first time, and you can switch to that perspective at any time, including which shoulder to aim from. All this and more will be available when Black Ops 6 launches on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on October 25.