Colombo worked in a 24-hour parking lot and supplemented his meager salary by selling marijuana. Mario is a lawyer and avid birdwatcher, but unfortunately, due to a past accident, he is unable to drive. Mario offered to pay Colombo to drive him from Valencia to a lake on the Costa Brava (Spain) where he wanted to see some cranes. When they arrived at the lake, the lawyer told him that the birds had changed their migration route and would now nest in the Danube Delta in Constanta (Romania). Mario needs to get there and Colombo needs the money. Neither of them knew the other’s story, but in that moment, they both began a new and fateful journey.
Credits: TheMovieDb.
Film actors:
- Mario: Luis Zahra
- Colombo: Javier Gutierrez
- Elizabeth: Teresa Saponangelo
- …: Diana Cavallotti
- Alberto: Edgar Moreno
- …: Florin Kevorkian
- Oriental Girl: Sophie Heidecker
- Screenwriter: Paul Dura
- Producer: David Churana
- Producer: Jose Nora
- Producer: Christina Zumarraga
- Screenwriter: Anna M. Perrault
- Photography: David Omedes
- Music: Magali Dazira
- Editor: Lucas Nora
Movie review: