Solayer is a reproduction protocol Developed directly on the Solana blockchain. It aims to leverage Solana’s economic security and high-performance execution capabilities to provide a decentralized cloud infrastructure. This infrastructure provides application developers with a higher level of consensus and Blockspace customization.
The project uses the concept of reproduction, which is actually an economical way to ensure future distributed systems by importing security from Solana. This involves putting in assets, not only ensuring the Solana blockchain, but also ensuring other applications or systems built on or around it.
Current price of Solayer
$layer listed on 2025-02-11 at 14:00 (UTC), TGE’s token value reaches about $1.3, meaning a completely reasonable number, with a full dilution valuation (FDV) of about $1.3 billion . Currently, $Layer is trading at $0.8221 (FDV reaches $837.93 million).
Source: TradingView
Solayer (layer) token directional prediction
The total supply of the project is 1 billion tokens, which has allocated 12% of the total supply to gas disk activity. If evenly distributed, this would mean that each wallet might receive about $480 in tokens. After TGE reached ATH $1.42, the project quickly increased, quickly reducing the pressure on dumping the air conditioner.
Basically, this still works like other projects. Specifically, the project will increase dramatically after TGE (perhaps within a few hours after TGE) so that insiders or VCs can dump the tokens at the best price, and then the tokens gradually shrink and look for the lower ones decline. This is similar to $grass or $solv tokens.