Like “SPYxFAMILY,” “Buddy Daddies” tells the story of an unrelated family of three: two killers and a four-year-old. The only difference is that they are not super-genius spies, genius assassins, or children with super powers. They are human beings who make mistakes and learn from them. The fact that they are ordinary people is one of the main points of appeal of the series.
Since Kazuki and Rei have never raised a child before, especially when they want to make sure Misato lives as normal a life as possible, they have to learn, make mistakes, and learn from them along the way. There are many fun comedic scenes and moments as the two try to learn the ways of parenthood while keeping the fact that they are killers secret. Kazuki and Rei also have different personalities, which are both conflicting and complementary. It makes every episode and interaction more comedic and fun.
There are also a lot of cute scenes in the anime, mostly through Miri and the two killers interacting with her. Kazuki’s interactions with Rei and his relationship with Meili are all sweet and endearing. We even get to see how their interactions and relationship with Misato develop and change throughout the series. While Miri herself is just like any normal four-year-old and behaves like any other child, it’s so cute to act out with Miri.