Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 83 On Tuesday night, he’ll join two of Twitch’s biggest stars to talk politics as the 2024 presidential campaign comes to a close. He will campaign on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris and discuss everything from the minimum wage to climate change with him. Imane “Poquimane” Annis and Rachel “Valkyra” Hofstetter On Amazon-owned platforms, Democrats are trying to reach younger voters online. I hope they let him play Dragon Ball: Spark Zero.
“The far right has successfully integrated itself into online spaces and non-traditional forms of communication,” Sanders said. Tell this washington post in a statement. “We cannot give up this space. If Democrats want to retain the support of young Americans, they must address the issues they care about. The interview will be broadcast live at 7:30 PM ET and will be co-hosted by Anys and Hofstetter. They are on Twitch With more than 20 million followers, the grizzled democratic socialist known for his lack of stupidity will answer their questions.
Sanders Created my own Twitch channel He ran for the Democratic nomination back in 2019, but rarely appeared on the nomination ticket in the years since. Annis, meanwhile, has hosted political celebrities in the past, including a 2020 livestream with New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, during which they played games among us and More than 430,000 simultaneous viewers.
However, tonight’s event is organized by the political action committee Progressive Victory, so it’s unclear whether it will be a planned event or whether the offline senator will do so, as he has for decades Committed to economic goals such as raising the minimum wage and eradicating poverty. even Meet the media Hosts have rarely succeeded in getting him to break away from his standard anti-billionaire talking points.
One controversy Twitch is currently facing is a debate over hate speech standards involving Israel’s war in Gaza and the killing of thousands of Palestinian civilians, including the bombing of hospitals and refugee camps. although Top streamer Zack “Asmongold” Hoyt Most recently, he apologized for racist comments against Palestinians, which resulted in his account being temporarily banned and Twitch publishing an article The recent string of blocks targeting some Arab streamers Accused of anti-Semitism. Sanders was one of the Harris-Waldz campaign’s most vocal critics of Israel’s attack on Gaza.