Star Trek: Chapter 31starring Paramount + Special Events movie Michelle Yeohhas been streaming for several months. So, at Comics Beat, we thought, “Why not sell more possible special event movies?”
So, this is our idea of the future story of format. Although we may see more Star Trek Future special event movies…it’s unlikely to be any of them. We invite you to share your thoughts with us on social media for comments or beats!
Job search pictures: Jan Thijs/Paramount+

Chapter 31: Oops, all the Vulcans! – In this animated special event movie, All-Star Game, All-Francis Commander must travel to all the most forbidden locations Star Trek:sha ka ree! Seduced by the promise of the resurrected Spock, Section 31 Agent T’Pol (Qiao Lin) from Star Trek: Lower Deck‘”Fissure Quest” leads commanders including science officials (Gabrielle Ruiz) and Secretary of Security Towork (Tim Russian) No one is suitable for tasks except for a group of gas people. The crew is also Vulcan Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding) From parallel timetables enterprise The crew comes from Star Trek: A Strange New World Never turned them into the Vulcans of Season 3. And, I guess Harry King (Garrett King) should be there. You know, provide a human perspective. There will definitely be no way to understand the new franchise! – Avery Kaplan

Star Trek: Time War – During the temporary Cold War, this mini series is a Starship Shooter Jump time”Correct what went wrong.“They jumped around and met the Cristóbal Rios who placed time (Santiago Cabrera) During World War II, t’pol (Qiao Lin) During the Earth-Romeland War, Captain Pike (Ansen Mountain)and enterprise In the Music Rift, young student Picard (ED Player) on USS Londgrancedirected by Captain Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), Beckett Mariner (Tawny news) During the War of Reign, because it is Star Trek Something went wrong, they finally reached a distant future Discover Or at Starfleet Academy with coach Tilly (Mary Wiseman) and her new trainee. – George Carmona Third

Star Trek: qtinuum – Following the last appearance of the crew Star Trek: Picard Nine leaders (seven)List of Ruian), Lafite (Michelle Hurd), and Jack Crusher (Ed Speelers), qtinuum See the return of Q (John Lane) Perform the final test: How far is it to save yourself? crew USS Titan-a Now, there are more bridge crews and a lieutenant, caught Jack’s eyes, who is still trying to learn the ropes. Q, our team incorporates them all into various activities throughout time and space through ringtones. Each crew member has a different scenario that is important to them, and we can learn more about our crew through how these different events have affected or influenced their perspective. Q tracks the decisions of various crew members to be warned of humanity by allowing the ship to continue traveling or being destroyed. Some highlights of this story will include Jack fighting Q in a way his father can never do, and Seven and Rafi finally become a happy ending for a couple after many stories of will/no/no. – Derrick Crow
Star Trek: Vermes Empire – Star Trek It’s great when it spins gold from the depths of its many unexplainable stories. We won’t Khan’s anger No one thinks “What if we did the sequel Space Seed?” So in that spirit, I show you a sequel to one of the most infamous plots Star Trek: The Next Generation,”conspiracy”. For those who didn’t have the scars of their lives as children because of that episode, the “conspiracy” involved a bunch of space worms, eating worms and head explosions. At the end, the signal sent summons the rest of the future game. While the signal was originally for the Borg, which had not yet appeared (originally considered a bug), it was not resolved until now. Before setting PicardCommander Rollaren (Michelle Forbes) Investigate strange actions inside Starfleet. That would be a dirty and dirty spy thriller David Cronenberg With the RO investigated who might be infiltrated by these parasites. Maybe it’s the Worf look? Anyway, there will be a lot of serious bugs, body terror and explosion of heads. – D. Morris

Star Trek: Gamma Flying – The discovery of Bayoran wormhole gave alpha The quadrant enters the distant gamma quadrant instantly, but it is not explored or ignored in the space of doing so ninety thousand light years. Starfleet mission is newly promoted Captain Harry Kim ((Garret Wang) command USS Sisco,,,,, one Odyssey– Class of Starship to see where the location between federal space and dominant realms. The ship is equipped with anti-Wamp drives to ensure Sisco Never trapped in a distant part of the galaxy, like the first post by Kim on a boat Traveler. Some familiar faces that join Kim are one of Ezri Dax’s (Nicole de Boer), Chief Engineer Sam Rutherford (Eugene Cordero) and Jem’Hadar exchange officer, with respect Elder Goran’agar (Scott MacDonald), one of the few unattractive Jem’hadar’s Jem’hadar. – George Carmona Third
POG&DAR: COP Landlord Pilot plot – this Lower deck The episode “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place” introduces us to various Ferengi TV shows, including their views with the police genre POG&DAR: COP Landlord. Although it was only one minute, this concept left a unique impression on me. For this, I would love to see the full-length special of the whole plot that would be very enjoyable. Although I would love to see a live version of Pog & dar, the animated version might be more feasible. This special show is not a random episode, but imagines that Pog & Dar’s pilot episode is their first meeting. think A murder weapon Only through Ferengi hypercapitalist culture. – Taimur Dar

T’Pring’s Salon Takeover – Here is my quick and dirty tone: Christopher’s Guest Meet Vulcan humor. t’pring’s simulator (Arlene Martel/Gia Sandhu), sharp hair Vaken Star Trek: Original Series and Star Trek: A Strange New Worldwill take over the struggling salon and shape its stylist into shape with her nonsense style. – Ollie Kaplan
Star Trek: Chapter 31 Currently available for streaming on Paramount+.
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