Since Baldur’s Gate 3’s super-powerful Patch 7 released yesterday, PC players have naturally been digging into all of its new features, especially those extra evil endings. It turns out that some of these emotions are such a rollercoaster that not even the strongest Dechi can endure without feeling them. That said, the greatest heartbreaks are reserved for those who love a particular bard.
If you want a full rundown of what’s included in the patch, the full instructions are out there now and you should check it out, you’ll find them here. Additionally, it’s out now on PC, but you’ll have to wait a while if you want to play on console or Mac.
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Warning: Major spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3 and its new ending are ahead.
Yes, since the patch went live, people have started trying out the new ending and either been left in awe or suffered serious emotional damage. In the first camp, there’s Kalach’s villainous endgame, rightly described as “absolutely metallic,” where she basically cuts off the citizens of Baldur’s Gate before summoning some demons and ripping out her heart. A wrestling promo.
It’s your favorite zero-chill golden retriever, and her voice actress Samantha Béart responded to people who loved the show, shouting out the script and director and saying they’ll frame a fan Responded with “Damn, my dick is hard.”
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And then there’s you killing people like Shadowheart and Gale and having them utter some memorable last words before falling into the abyss, including “I…I thought we would save each other” and “You did “I want to live” seems to make people do the equivalent of kneeling in the supermarket at home.
The most heartbreaking, however, seemed to be those who thought Larian teased in a community update that the patch would make Alfila a full-fledged permanent companion or change her fate in the Dark Impulse game. Sadly, Larian wrote in the patch notes: “We remember that it was clearly stated in Community Update #28 that if you play as Dark Impulse, a certain bard can now join the party as a controllable character in the camp. , provided there are spaces in the campground.
“It seems some of you didn’t accept what we laid down. No new companions. Only death.” Coin. As people say things like “I’m sure someone will find a way to break the game to keep her” and “Those evil bastards in Larian love twisting knives”, you can tell that Alfila’s Stan Leaders have embraced this well.