there has never been a world NieR: Automata Ver1.1.a Ends in a predictable way. This animation is adapted from 2017 Action RPG from Yoko Taro Since the launch of “PlatinumGames” in 2023, the plot has continued to deviate from expectations. Version 1.1a provides new players with a gripping retelling of the original story, while also continuing to play up the series’ expanded lore to keep long-time fans on their toes. With last week’s finale, the show has hit an undeniable high note, which speaks to the effectiveness of the story regardless of medium, and the evolution of Taro’s relationship with its subject.

For most of its running time, the final episode Version 1.1a“this [E]nd of YoRHa”, will not disturb true ending The ending of the game, hence its name. But just when it seems the show is over and the credits start rolling, things start to change. Unlike the ending of the game, Version 1.1a We are shown the consequences of the final confrontation between the androids A2, 9S, the mechanical life forms, and the remnants of YoRHa. What’s even more shocking is that it’s a happy ending. First, we see 9S waking up, his blue eyes sparkling and no sign of the virus that once threatened his life and sanity. We then see 2B waking up next to him. The two reunited without blindfolds and weapons, stripped of their roles as YoRHA robots. They have a new future together. Then the end credits switch to A2 and stop quietly at Neil The franchise’s iconic Moon Tears grow around her. It is a symbol of hope and recognition of a better future that A2 strives for. The final title card reveals the episode’s new title: “Alternative [E]this.
Finally, we see a mysterious girl with black braids walking away holding a large suitcase. She turns to the camera, her speckled face looking directly at the viewer. She winked, and the show was over. That girl is perhaps the most important character in the legend Drakengard and Neil. Her name is Accord, and she is a constant observer of the world. Drakengard/Neil The universe where the name appears NieR, Automata, Even now it no longer exists reincarnation. However, her most striking appearance is Dragon King 3. In one of the game’s many routes, we see the mysterious girl making a phone call to an unknown party, after which she is explicitly allowed to intervene in the narrative and give protagonist Zero a chance to change his fate. While not explicitly stated, this unknown party represents creator Yoko Taro stepping into his own narrative to help propel the characters toward a better future.

entire Drakengard/Neil In the series, Taro always deals with dark and depressing themes, about nihilism and despair in the face of tragedy or extremely adverse circumstances. There’s not much joy to be found in his games, and the joy that does exist is often fleeting and comes at a price. However, with each subsequent game Taro made, his nihilism seemed to diminish—and Automata This is already a more hopeful story than any that came before (the director discussed this with him) my city exist 2018) It still comes with so much loss and sacrifice for A2, 2B, 9S, etc.
But in Version 1.1a Taro gives these characters a chance to be happy. Seven years after the game’s release, he seemed to decide that the characters had made enough sacrifices without seeing the fruits of their suffering. Over the years, Taro has shown an increasingly optimistic attitude in his narratives, despite the rise of nihilism in the real world. this Remake 2021 original Neil Includes a new ending that allows players to save the protagonist from his own sacrifice. like Version 1.1a“alternatives” [E]den,” which leaves the character lying quietly.
and Version 1.1a, Tarot showed others in the video game industry how to make remakes. Each time Taro revisits it, it’s not a hollow retread of the story in order to attract new audiences (and more profits). AutomataIn the story, he questions his artistic intentions and execution. Through this method, Automata has become something of a change, reflecting Taro’s growing optimism through the lens of the same characters. This is what makes NieR: Automata Masterpiece: whether it’s a video game, drama, comic or animation.