when astronomy robot After the announcement, the Asobi team began adding new special robots to track Astro’s Playroom. These new bots are designed to give players a little something extra to spice up Astro’s first full adventure, and provide a good reason to return to the PS5 game and solve some puzzles. The last robot is there now, and to find it you’ll head to the Memory Meadow.
Where to find the Ape Escape special robot in Memory Meadow
Quickly travel to the Gust Gateway in Memory Meadow to start looking for the Ape Escape special robot. Go forward from where you spawn and uncover two bridge-like controller wires that lead to an Ape Escape-themed robot (he’s holding a net). But it’s not that simple.
To the left of this robot is a blue flashing dot in the clouds that we need to throw something to, so go all the way back to where you spawned and look to the left for some wires you can pull to reveal throwable items.
Bring this item back to the blue flashing dot in the cloud. Stand on the edge of the platform, look down, trigger a reticle on the spot indicating you can throw items, and press Square to throw.

This will release a container containing Ape Escape’s special robot, but it’s still not that simple. You need to solve a riddle to free him.
How to release the Ape Escape special robot
Continue forward through the level until you come behind a high platform and must jump onto a moving cloud that looks like a controller. Jump on it and ride to the cliff behind that high platform, then jump to the top to see a lone tree.

Hit the tree repeatedly until a bushel of bananas falls off. Take them back to the Ape Escape special robot and jump onto the circular platform in front of the container. When you do this, he will suddenly dance and you need to match his dance moves.
There are four dances, each corresponding to a direction on the D-pad. Unfortunately, the order in which the special robots perform their dances is randomized, so it will take some trial and error as you learn which moves are which. If it fails, you can run back and get another bushel of bananas and try again.
Once you complete the dance in the correct order, you will unlock the final special robot Astro’s Playroomgiving you a trophy in the process of “No Escape!” excellent work!