On the list of endless possible uses for artificial intelligence, “getting selfie suggestions from Kylie Jenner’s voice clone” seems both completely counterintuitive and quite inevitable. So of course it does exist. It’s not a widely used app, at least not yet. This is an experiment by artist and programmer Dries Depoorter.
With access to a few APIs from OpenAI and ElevenLabs, and a bit of Python knowledge, you can up your selfie game, too. The app will take a picture with your webcam and provide it to ChatGPT, prompting Ms. Jenner’s voice to ask for interesting suggestions. The text output is then passed to the selfie expert’s ElevenLabs voice clone, and suggestions pop up:
“Okay, love this candid vibe, but let’s add some drama. Turn to the lights, take off your headphones, and think mysterious thoughts to spice things up, because lighting is everything, baby.
We talked with Depoorter about how he creates his work, how he sees the future of artificial intelligence, and how he responds to those who see his art and want to turn it into a business. This is a crazy conversation, so check it out above. To see all of Dries’ work, head to his portfolio.