Those hoping to see Ahsoka Season 2 soon may want to dash those hopes.
It used to be that you could usually look forward to one season of your favorite TV show each year. But over time, streaming services have reduced the length of typical series from 20-something episodes to 8 to 10, making them more like mini-movies without any of the attendant benefits of you having to wait for more The new season is longer. It’s annoying, and the latest show to suffer seems to be the Disney+ Star Wars series Ahsoka. Natasha Liu Bordizzo, who played Sabine Wren in the first season, recently appeared at Dragon Con and said she may not attend next year’s convention because she will be filming Ahsoka Season 2.
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That doesn’t sound like a bad thing, because, yep, more Star Wars, right? However, it actually means production won’t begin until the summer of 2025, meaning the show will almost certainly not be released until 2026. It airs for one year, so if season 2 doesn’t come out until 2026, there’s about a three-year gap between the two seasons.
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I can only imagine the thinking behind this is that there are other Star Wars projects to fill the void, such as Skeleton Crew coming out this December and Andor Season 2 due out in 2025, but so far , these projects are the only TV projects to have some kind of release date. The Mandalorian vs. Grogu , which recently signed on to Sigourney Weaver, is also set to air in 2026, but again the show’s third season aired last year, so there are some big gaps. But hey, who knows better than a massive conglomerate like Disney, right?