water plus It was announced during a livestream on Tuesday that a remake of 1997 was in development sincerely Visual novel/dating sim game to be released in 2025. water plus More remake details will be revealed on the occasion of the 30th anniversary.”water plus Festival held on November 9th.
Announced at 38:28 in the following video:
New cast members include Kana Ichinose Played by Uigashi Akariwa Read Gong Hina as many (Ayako Kawasumi Previously voiced Akari, and Horie Yui Previously dubbed Multi).
water plus announced sincerely The visual novel was launched on PC for Windows in 1997, and later in 1999 on game console (Although both versions have many notable plot differences). The visual novel/dating sim game has been called a classic of the genre, influencing countless people with its character design and relaxed pacing Otaku Afterwards the media. It is worth noting that the role of “Multi” is well known to the Japanese Otaku as a sign Cute The character design and writing, with her bubbly attitude and endearing demeanor contrasting nicely with her sad fate.
The game inspired a 1999 TV anime, as well as a Multi-themed second season Heart to heart – remember my memories In 2004, the game received a sequel game Sincerely 2 in 2004, which itself inspired a 2005 TV anime, as well as many OVAs and spin-off games in subsequent years.
source: water plus stream