The 26-character game debuted in arcades in 2011 and later launched on PS3 in 2013
This live broadcast “ballad: lost flag 5th Anniversary and Grand Ceremony water plus Post-festival talk special, announced Sunday Aquapaza: water plus dream game Fighting game will get a port steam next year.

© Shuijia
port steam The page has opened and it describes the game:
26 characters water plusClassic series clash in this action-packed fighting game! Master your favorite heroes from games and anime, including ballad, Sincerely 2, white photo albumand more!
This port requires a 64-bit processor and operating system.
The game first debuted in Japanese arcades in 2011. game console Version 3 retains all the content from the arcade version (a total of 13 protagonists and 13 supporting characters) and improves the tournament-level action. atlas The United States released game console There are 3 versions in North America.
Source: “ballad: lost flag 5th Anniversary and Grand Ceremony water plus Post-festival talk talk special” live broadcast by Hachima Kiko