Since its debut in 2021, the DC Pride episode celebrating LGBTQIA+ characters and creators has been a highlight of the publisher’s schedule. DC Pride 2025’s tradition continues this is the fifth year anthology. But DC does something different this year, rather than a series of short stories DC Pride 2025 Strange story arc told by comic creators From Tim Lion,,,,, Vita Ayala,,,,, Josh Trujillo,,,,, Skyles Patridge,,,,, Al Kaplan,,,,, Max Shalinand more.

This is how the publisher describes it DC Pride 2025:
DC Pride 2025 Fuse DC’s heroes together when a century-old tavern (Queer Life Center in Gotham City) unexpectedly announced its imminent closure. This is a huge loss for the community, with generations of customers returning to give them the entire space of memories, wishes and dreams – including Alan Scott. Alan returns for the last time to where he fell for his first love Johnny Ladd, touching the walls of their carving of symbols of their love to remember the days before everything was in trouble… and say goodbye.
But love is a magic trick, and according to Allen’s experience, magic can live its own life. Before anyone knows this happens, heroes, villains and civilians have strong connections with this mysterious place – this question – the question, the middleman and Apollo, Harley Quinn, Green Lantern Joe Mulleyn, Bunker, Connor Hawke and the Blue Snowman and the Blue Snowman are in trouble with them, trapped in the strange world, they think of their costs…but, can they… both be able to cost?
By Alan Scott Emilio Pills and Giulio Macione,,,,, DC Pride 2025 Will feature the story of Jo Mullein, Vita Ayala Maya Houston and Vincent CecilThe Story of the New Character Ethan Rivera Jude Ellison DollThe Story of Josh Trujillo and Al Kaplan, Connor Hawke Sam Margos and Phillip SevyJosh Trujillo’s Bunker Story Don AguilloThe Story of Harley Quinn, Maya Houston and Max Sarin, Jude Ellison S. Derek Charm. By doing DC Pride in the writer’s room, each creative team collaborates to build a common goal: a comic book in hope, empowerment, community and chasing lights in the dark.
Tim Sheridan, author of the Glad Media Award nomination series Alan Scott: Green Lanternexpressing his excitement in participating in the project:
“DC Pride 2025 It is a celebration of life, love and community power, even in uncertain times, especially in uncertain times, that the lineup that shapes this story is as epic as the story itself – so I can only say it is fastened for big moves, greater fun and the biggest bet. Like in the past, this book is a way to engage with our community and remind them that we are together. ”
Jude Ellison S. Doyle, author of the Glaad Media Award nomination series Neighborconveys similar views about participation DC Pride 2025:
“It was a huge honor to be part of what DC has been telling about and helping Josh Trujillo bring new character Ethan Rivera (and my own personal soulmate and/or best friend Trans Icon Blue Snowman). It was also my first opportunity to work with Al Kaplan. hairHe is a future legend and he continues to be in awe of me for my work. It was great to hang out with a bunch of gay people and make some comics, and it was impossible for me to expect to meet a more talented crowd. ”
Vita Ayala, author of the Glaad Media Award nomination series New mutants, Detailed explanation of the writer’s indoor methods DC Pride Special:
“What makes me particularly special about this project is that the way in which the collaborative way of creating anthology almost reflects the framework and final solution at its core. We come together in (virtual) rooms, each with ideas about its own narrative, and by the time we end up we are interweaving the story together, Make one person’s contribution end, and another start. We work as collaborators and eventually create a community space (we hope) that no matter what door (or which personal short story) people go through, we welcome everyone from the cold.”
96 pages of reputation format DC Pride 2025 It will be available on June 4, 2025. It will be Chris Duck and variant cover Soboma,,,,, Julia Reck and Jack Hughes (1:25), all priced at US$9.99 (Card shares).

Additionally, the DC community is eager to hear DC Pride stories from fans and has opened submissions through DC’s official Discord Server from March 3 to March 28 to share how DC’s storytelling legacy affects or reflects their LGBTQIA+ identity, journey or experience. After submission, DC’s editorial team will select a few letters, role-playing and fan art that will be published in the letter column on the page DC Pride 2025.
Likewise, DC will continue to highlight variant covers of DC Pride themes that feature gay characters in regular and lead characters. This year, look for the cover of DC Pride Detective comics #1098 (Stephen Byrne), Harley Quinn #52 and Toxic Ivy #34 (Betsy Cola), Justice League Unlimited #8 (Haydn Sherman), JSA #6 (Don Aguillo), Superman #27 (Rachael Stott) and Wonder Woman #22 (Kevin Wada).

For the book market, DC’s fourth iteration of its award-winning Pride celebration, DC Pride: Get to the farthest place (ISBN 9781799501527), any book sold for US for $19.99 on May 27, 2025, available as a hardcover collection.
In this cosmic journey with Kevin Wada cover, DC’s beloved queer characters bring readers to the Fourth World, Naltor, Naltor, A-town, Phantom Zone, Portworld, Portworld, Oblivion Bar, and more to celebrate the various places of the LGBTQIA+ community and the universe that falls within the distance. This hardcover book collection DC Pride 2024 There are other stories that have caused the huge horse stable of DC’s huge queer and allies to be aware of, including Phil Jimenez, Al Ewing, Ngoz Ukazu, Nicole Mines, Stephen Bourne, Claire Roy, Julirio McCaonon and more!
DC will release DC Pride Box Set (ISBN 9781799501589), May 27, 2025, a collection of DC Pride’s first three hardcover books. The box set is available for $39.99, including the cover of Gabriel Picolo.
this DC Pride Box Set Includes over 70 incredible queer stories and illustrations by the All-Star lineup by Grant Morrison, James Tynion IV, Mariko Tamaki, Mariko Tamaki, Nicole Maines, Trung Le Nguyen, Klaus Janson, Vita Ayala, Vita Ayala, Vita Ayala, Vita Ayala), Zoe (Vita Ayala, Zoe Thorogood) and others bring it to you. It also pays homage to the autobiographical comic “Finding Batman” by pioneering writers Rachel Pollack and Kevin Conroy, where the man behind the Dark Knight’s beloved voice details his journey from childhood to heroes of fans around the world. This collection of three books has a hardcover version DC Proud: Love and Justice,,,,, DC Pride: A new generationand DC Pride: Better.
Widely praised Bat Girl: Elegy The storyline will be released later this year on DC’s new Compact Edition:
also DC Pride: Get to the farthest place and DC Pride Box SetDC has a large catalog of books that can be added to your TBR pile, pull lists, pride-themed book clubs, in-store pride displays and sharing with friends. Priced at $9.99, books everywhere, and books sold from June 17, 2025 Batgirl: Elegy: DC Compact Comic Edition It is the latest classic DC adventure. Written by best-selling author Greg Rucka and renowned artists JH Williams III, Jock and Scott Kolins Bat Girl: Elegy It is an amazing landmark story that reveals shocking origins and lays the foundation for one of the most outstanding LGBTQIA+ characters in the DC universe.
DC also announced that it will add DC Pride Comics to DC Go! The WebComics series starts in June and adapts to the last four titles DC Pride Selections enter vertical scroll format. In June, DC GO! Every day, Monday to Friday, two DC Pride episodes will be released, all 42 episodes can be read in the same format as the original DC GO! Similar to web comics Harley Quinn in Paradise,,,,, Nothing butt,,,,, And more.