Age of Mythology: Retold Releases today on Xbox and PC. Reviewers seem to like it Early adopters who paid to play the game were mostly pleased with this remake of the 2002 classic PC strategy game. However, gamers were not at all excited about being asked to pay for a 22-year-old JPEG.
mythological age is an equally popular derivative product age of empires Real-time strategy game series. The series has received some solid remakes from Microsoft over the past few years, as well as critically acclaimed big-budget sequels, Age of Empires IV, 2021. But one thing players generally hate is the idea of paying for DLC just to get old graphics first seen in the original release. mythological age.
as found computer gamer, mythological age have Very positive review Ratings from thousands of players on Steam. However, its only in-game DLC pack received very negative reviews. The DLC costs $6 and is called “Legacy Deity Portrait Pack.” As the name suggests, this pack allows you to replace the icons of new, beautifully recreated gods with their original images from the classic version. The Age of Mythology.
The pack is included in the pricier premium version of the game, which is innocuous enough. But as a separate $6 DLC? This seems ridiculous. It’s just a collection of old JPEGs.
This is something that should be included in the game, or something you unlock by playing the game, rather than being an extra that needs to be paid to unlock, as many of the negative Steam reviews of the DLC pointed out. DLC like this is just a way to exploit people’s nostalgia to squeeze some extra revenue out of them. This is disgusting and stupid, hope Microsoft realizes this is a stupid idea and makes the DLC free and refunds anyone who bought it.