A new report claims Crash Bandicoot 5 It was approved by Activision, but was canceled early in development due to the following reasons: crash 4 Sales were poor, and publishers wanted to focus more on real-time service games, like Call of Duty: Warzone. Interestingly, in this game, the wumpa fruit-eating marsupial crosses over with another platforming mascot, Spyro the Dragon.
According to a new report from gaming journalist and historian Liam Robertson, former Activision-owned studio Toys For Bob has begun development on a multiplayer game Crash Bandicoot after game Spyro the Dragon Reignited trilogy. But then the company took on some of the work and started developing the product for 2020 Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. The game was well-received by fans and critics, and Toys For Bob began planning a follow-up game.
The new game is called internally Crash Bandicoot 5originally planned to be a direct sequel crash 4 and will be a single-player 3D platformer, like its predecessors in the long-running series.
Robertson’s video Includes this never-finished concept art and possible story ideas collision sequel. The developer had once planned to include Spyro the Dragon in the sequel, with reports that the two would work together to save their respective universes from a huge cataclysmic event. Both characters are playable, and players can even see both characters’ universes within this multiverse.
my city Activision Blizzard has been contacted regarding this report.
Toys For Bob is reportedly only available for crash 5 About three to four months, mainly focused on concept art and early environments. In winter 2020, Activision canceled crash 5, It is reported that due to crash 4Sales were sluggish and the publisher wanted to focus on online play rather than single-player games. Then make toys for Bob emergency rescue team rumblea short-lived and less popular online game, you can choose Maybe you even forgot to start.
Fortunately, Bob’s toys survive All this. In February, the company announced that it was going independent and would be working on a new project with Microsoft, the owner of Activision Blizzard. Now there are rumors that Toys For Bob is developing a new product Spyro game.