Most Star Wars fans are either celebrating (for some strange reason) or mourning the death of Acolyte on Disney+ earlier this month. Of course, this sparked more discussion about the show from producers and insiders, and now we know Keanu Reeves may be involved.
We have to take this shocking news with a grain of salt, as it’s just a rumor for now (and it’s unlikely we’ll get confirmation now that the show has been canceled), but noted Hollywood insider Jeff Snyder has little to say about it By Star Wars, that’s too far off the mark, so it’s likely that conversations between Reeves and Lucasfilm did take place at some point.
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The news comes from Jeff Snyder’s weekly newsletter (via StarWarsNewsNet), where a rather reliable scoop claims that Reeves is actually very interested in the role being offered, namely Master Thor. Eventually, however, his schedule didn’t work out due to ballet dancer commitments, and he had to give up. As we all know, Master Thor ended up being played by Squidward star Lee Jung-jae, and his performance deserves all the praise.
Of course, this would allow Reeves to appear on the small screen again, alongside his The Matrix co-star Carrie-Anne Moss, who did play Jedi Master Indara in the series Critical Role, so maybe a wink at that movie series would have been too much for audiences anyway.
This isn’t the first time Levi’s has been linked to The Acolyte, as he will be voicing Shadow the Hedgehog in theaters this Christmas. There were a few rumors last year that he had a cameo on the show, which likely stemmed from the rambling chatter and behind-the-scenes tips he had when he was supposed to sit down and talk to Lucasfilm.
Snyder said the possibility of Reeves joining the Star Wars universe remains high, as all parties involved are reportedly interested. Now it’s just a matter of finding the right role and getting the timing right. What if James Mangold cast him as the first Jedi in his Dawn of the Jedi prequel movie? I think this seems like a perfect fit for One and will sell a lot of tickets.