Following the critically acclaimed Disney animation Amphibianscreator Matt Braley Working with artists Lyn Ainsworth debut Family Force Vthe prismatic YA graphic novel about your favorite new alien fighting family, will be available this June from Skybound Comet.
Today, the publisher unveiled interior art for the series.
Family Force V will be available in June 2025 from all book outlets from Skybound Comet, a brand of original graphic novels aimed at teen (12+) and middle grade (8-12) audiences, but will definitely Appeals to readers of all ages. Packed with action and charm, Family Force V promises to be your next obsessive graphic novel.
“Matt Braley and Ainsworth Lin’s graphic novel debut is absolutely exciting,” said Alex Antone, Editorial Director at Skybound. “While the book looks like an action-packed blockbuster (and it is), the quieter moments in Moon Soldier Mace will leave you craving for more.”
Spending Friday nights with your family fighting alien monsters is normal life for teenagers…right? Well, for Mace, despite her protests, she must continue her family legacy of keeping the world safe while trying to get good grades, impress her crush, and balance extracurricular activities. But when tragedy strikes, Mays feels destined to be someone else, not just for her family but for the world, and she’s forced to figure out how to be herself.
The Skybound Comet slate also includes the forthcoming Clementine Book Three (ISBN: 978-1-5343-9737-8 | MSRP $14.99), Tillie Walden’s Ace-winning The much-anticipated and heartbreaking conclusion to the award-nominated teen trilogy (Spin), due out in June 2025; Transformers: The Worst Robots Ever: Meet the Ball Pen ( ISBN: 978-1-5343-2799-3 | MSRP $12.99), the beginning of a new OGN series about the misadventures of a robot more powerful than a sword, by Brian “Smitty” Smith (Pea, Bee, and Jay) and Marz Jr. (Void Rivals cover artist), which will be available for middle grade readers in July 2025; and The Pizza Witch (ISBN: 978-1-5343-2796-2 | MSRP $16.99), which is The graphic novel by Sarah Graley (Glitch, Our Adventures) and Stef Purnins creates a delicious magical world for readers.
Family Force V (SBN: 978-1-5343-4033-6 | MSRP $16.99) will be available in comic book stores, booksellers, and digital platforms including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google on Wednesday, May 28, 2025 Contest on sale on Tuesday 10th June 2025.