year 2002, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Launching on PS2 and GameCube. This third-person action-adventure game puts players in the bounty hunter boots of Jango Fett, aka Boba Fett’s clone father. attack of the clones. Not great, but an interesting prequel Episode two. Now 20 years later, it’s been remastered, improved, and ported to new consoles, and while it looks and plays better than ever, it’s still essentially the same PS2-era action game, but now Got a flashlight.
Remastered version Star Wars: Bounty HunterOut now on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC, it tells the same story as the 2002 original. attack of the clones Starring Jango Fett, who is contacted by Count Dooku to hunt down a dark Jedi and crime boss. If he can defeat the leader, he will receive 5 million points. He did not realize that this was a test orchestrated by Dooku and Palpatine to eliminate a threat to their plans while also finding a powerful warrior to serve as the source of their clone army.
Needless to say, everything that happened Star Wars: Bounty Hunter It’s not Canon anymore but that’s not a deal breaker. In fact, it’s nice to go back in time Star Wars The game gets weird And get crazy about the lore because no one is worried about all these connections and know that series creator George Lucas can always retell everything in his next movie.
For the same game, there are better ones and worse ones…
like Bounty HunterIn this new remaster, the story and cutscenes have not changed, and the gameplay and levels remain essentially the same. Instead, developer Aspyr focused on improving the visuals, gameplay performance, and making Jango Fett easier to control. They succeeded.
Bounty Hunter It’s even easier to play now thanks to a modern control scheme and stable framerate. It also looks just as good as the PS2 game from 20 years ago, thanks to improvements in textures, lighting and resolution. Yes, the developers added a flashlight so you can see some darker areas, which is nice, and time now slows down when using Jango’s scanner, which is very helpful.
However, it’s time to acknowledge the Bantha in the room: Bounty Hunter It was never a great game. In fact, I think in many ways Bounty Hunter It was a bad game.
Levels feel too big and empty. I often found myself wandering the brown and gray hallways, wondering when the next group of bad guys would show up and break up the monotony. But the enemy combat isn’t much fun, and it doesn’t do much to improve the game. This is partly because the enemy artificial intelligence is so terrifying, but also because combat is repetitive. Be prepared to shoot hordes of the same enemies over and over again as they’ll charge straight at you or fall off ledges, dying before they can reach you.
While there are other weapons to be found in the various missions you play, these are never enough to compete with your standard twin blasters, which are so powerful that you can pull the trigger as fast as you can Fast and has unlimited ammo. You’ll never need to switch to anything else!
There’s a jetpack inside Bounty Hunter, You get access to this early in the game, but the jetpack is more annoying than fun because it’s very limiting, and the camera is unstable and difficult to use in firefights. The worst part: Bounty hunting in this game is a frustrating chore.
become a Star Wars Bounty hunting is not fun
in each level Bounty Hunter Featuring a set number of bounty targets that you can choose to hunt down, capture, and collect, either alive or dead. In theory, any NPC or enemy you encounter on a mission could be a wanted criminal, which is a neat idea. In practice, this sucks.
This is because to find these targets, you must first scan every enemy and NPC you encounter, flag any targets, and then either kill them or tie them up with a wire gun. If you kill the target before scanning and marking it, you gain nothing. Therefore, every battle will be tough as you take cover and scan each enemy before fighting them.

Sure, you can ignore the bounty targets, but the game is just a so-so third-person shooter with some wonky platforming. bounty hunting section Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is the only thing that keeps this game from being a dull journey through boring brown rooms. But collecting bounties is so annoying that I wouldn’t blame anyone for skipping it. However, you will soon find out that Bounty Hunter Required.
To be sure, the remake Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is the best way to play this ancient Jango Fett adventure. The additions and tweaks made to the game are smart, and I still love the quirky EU story it tells of Jango hunting down the Dark Jedi. But unfortunately, this is not a good game.
To be honest, I’d prefer a complete remake Bounty Hunter Improved combat, level and bounty hunting mechanics. Instead, this is a mediocre 22-year-old PS2 era Star Wars game Only the most nostalgic of fans will probably finish it and enjoy it.