i really like LEGO Horizon Adventurea game worthy of its name. it tells an embellished version of events horizon zero dawn, The first game in Guerrilla’s post-apocalyptic open-world adventure series, Colorful Lego bricks and the slapstick humor of an elaborate YouTube parody, all wrapped up in a simple but sometimes challenging platformer. But it’s also a strange experiment from Sony and developer Guerrilla Games, and I’m curious why horizon The PlayStation gods decreed that the series should have spin-offs made out of LEGO bricks.
LEGO Horizon Adventure‘The strangest twist horizonThe world of the story revolves around the main character, Aloy, as she is a bit strange with the cheerful and bright world of the LEGO adaptation. The bow-wielding protagonist in almost every work horizon The media is often seen as stoic, stubborn, and perhaps even a bit stiff for those struggling to make sense of a rapidly changing world. Aloy minifigure LEGO Horizon AdventureIn contrast, there is a silly little girl who is happy to be here. My tone has shifted from super-serious action RPGs to family-friendly platformers, but I’m surprised that Guerrilla didn’t go that route LEGO Batman Emphasizing Aloy’s seriousness in a more comical context.

The result of losing Aloy’s melancholy demeanor is LEGO Horizon Adventure is a real cry. When you try to describe it all to someone who doesn’t play these games, the game effectively mocks the post-apocalyptic, lore-driven story that fans know and love and pokes fun at how silly it all sounds. I admire how willing the guerrillas are to strip this story horizon zero dawn down Focus only on its most basic parts and don’t take any of it seriously. Between shooting Aloy’s blocky bow or wielding Elend’s Lego stick, there are some great moments, banter, and antics. I forgot how cute it is horizonCharacters from the game might pop up when I’m not playing one of the games, and even these over-the-top parodies remind me that I’m at least somewhat attached to Aloy and her friends.
Although I have questions and arguments about how to do LEGO Horizon Adventure Choosing to exaggerate the personalities of its characters, I saw the vision behind the entire game as I battled robot dinosaurs made of Lego bricks. LEGO Horizon Adventure adapt horizonconcept becomes commonplace Lego The game structure is pretty good. Seeing Aloy and friends turn into lumpy red blades of grass as they move from place to place to avoid enemies made me chuckle, but attack enemies at their weak points and watch them break like no other . horizon When is the game LEGO Horizon Adventure Click. It still has a lot of the style of most collect-a-thon platformers Lego The game, for the most part, is fairly standard and unremarkable on its platform, but care is taken here to make it feel like a horizon game.

Although the scale of the battle is not as scary and overwhelming as the battles in the main storyline horizon Games have the same basic principles zero dawn and Forbidden West Still applies. most LEGO Horizon Adventure The blocky gameplay that lets you traverse the world of guerrillas is almost entirely punctuated by hordes of enemies that are easy to deal with in one-on-one duels, but become more difficult when they gang up to attack you. Chaotic, even challenging. as they do in other horizon In the game, each robot has specific weak points to target and break through for extra damage, but this level of precision doesn’t feel necessary until you encounter some higher-level enemies. Otherwise, it’s just firing arrows in the general direction of enemies, but there are enough tools and different play styles between characters to shake things up. Some of them are directly from horizonsuch as the tripwires in the main game that are reminiscent of Tripcaster. However, there’s also some weirder content, such as a hot dog stand throwing explosives around a small area – which is fine, sure, but also feels out of place in a game that generally feels focused on paying homage to its source. And the question of identity doesn’t just start with a fatal hot dog stand; it doesn’t just start with a fatal hot dog stand.
although horizon As you’d expect, there’s fingerprints everywhere in this game, plus there are other LEGO promotions across the universe LEGO Horizon Adventurethese can be quite jarring. Why Aloy can be worn ninja ninja clothing and engage in other silly cross-promotions? Is this part of a deal? Lego game? Is every property in some sort of multiverse filled with other properties, spilling buckets upon buckets of chunks into each other? In the grand scheme of things, this is just a minor issue because when LEGO Horizon Adventure committed to imitation horizonwhich is the most enjoyable.
LEGO Horizon Adventure It’s a fun little experiment, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony does it again. Will creating more franchises become a trend for Sony now that it has become so risk-averse? Lego A parody of its most famous name? perhaps. I would be happy to see something like this Lego God of War Making fun of Kratos and Atreus’ dysfunctional father-son relationship. horizon Feels like a strange choice Lego I can’t imagine this is just a game made to fill the gap between 2022 Forbidden West And everything that comes next.
Sony is working harder on its franchises by expanding its games to other platforms and even other media like movies and tv these days. The cynic in me would easily call this an expansion game horizon and other series into additional revenue avenues. horizon There are already LEGO sets available for purchase, and the brand synergy keeps money flowing faster than you can say “matching toys.” At least, LEGO Horizon Adventure It feels like a game made out of love for the property it’s based on, rather than a cynical cash grab. Whatever happens next, I can say the least.