When you don’t have the star power or a big superhero movie to showcase in San Diego Comic-Con’s splashy Hall H, you have to get creative.
That’s exactly what Disney and its 20th Century Pictures division did Alien: Romulus control panel. A few minor theatrics—red flashes accompanied a giggling man stumbling across the stage before dying of a “bursting chest”—and video questions from surprising filmmaker guests, like the original alien Someone like director Ridley Scott or filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro could go a long way in enhancing the already strong cut that’s been screened.
If that fails, then you leave them with a parting gift, in this case, a rubber alien “facehugger,” which was handed out to all 6,500 people who packed the cavernous hall of the San Diego Convention Center on Friday. People left and right, many of whom immediately went ahead and took selfies and posted the photos to all their friends. Promotional message successful.
Romulus It’s the first hit movie since 2017 Alien: Covenant This is the first film produced since Disney acquired Fox in 2019. The way.
The new film is directed by Fede Álvarez, a filmmaker who makes lower-budget horror films, including his hit ” don’t breathestarring Cailee Spaeny, Isabela Merced, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Spike Fer New faces and rising stars include Spike Fern and Aileen Wu, all of whom were in attendance at Friday’s show except the latter.
Of course, aliens are not a new commodity. This is a highly regarded film series directed by some of the best filmmakers, including Scott, James Cameron, David Fincher and Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
Alvarez said he felt tremendous pressure to take on the film and that he was standing on the shoulders of giants. But he also said that when he’s on set, the pressure goes away, it’s very practical and it’s a very real environment for him.
“For me, that’s when you suddenly realize you’re in the little Wayland shake-and-bake colony, and every car around you is real and the neon lights are from aliens. , the pressure goes away,” he said. “Come to this real space…”
The film was shot in chronological order, and the actors were closely united during the filming process. But it also means a loss when one of them finishes filming the death scene and leaves the set. and any alien As fans know, a lot of people died.
“It’s emotional,” Alvarez points out, “because that person has to leave now and you continue to work with other actors. And (deaths) keep happening.
The filmmakers and actors sought to pay homage to their predecessors and production crew, which meant going back to original designs and even hiring crew members like Sean Mahan, who worked on Cameron’s 1986 film Playing the role of an alien queen in alien.
Alvarez describes his creative process as tortuous, and he spent much of his time thinking his work was terrible. He believes this will motivate him to strive for better results. This honesty won over his actors.
“We can really trust him,” the star of ” Priscilla and civil war. “As a fan, he wants to do something for the fans. He has a very good voice.
The filmmaker is pursuing the elusive thrill of cinema even as he wants to deliver that drug to his audience.
“For me, when you sit in the theater and the sign comes up and the lights go down, I feel like that’s it. This is going to change my life,” he said. “It’s kind of crazy because most movies are terrible. Five minutes in, you’re like, ‘This isn’t going to change my life.’ ” But for the first five seconds, you actually feel that way because it’s actually happening to you. We’re all constantly looking for that moment.
That’s the spirit he brings to his crew.
“It’s important that we all know that and that we respect that,” he continued. “Give 200 percent. These kids do this to give you the movie you deserve.