Following the successful launch of the “Ultraman” card game, Tsuburaya Productions has launched the “Ultraman” card game Ultraman: Rise It aired on Netflix last month.
Ultraman Card Game is a trading card game featuring art from the new movie and characters from Ultraman Dika Illustrator Hiroshi Maruyama and Ultraman production designer Masayuki Goto.
The initial release will include two starter decks: Heroes of Hyperspace and Zero Bond. Each starter set comes with 50 cards, a game sheet, and a booster pack. In November, Guardians of the Earth booster packs will be released, each containing 12 random cards, including a triple rare ancient monster Gomorrah card.
I am proud that the Ultraman card game will be released simultaneously in 15 countries and regions. Since its release on Netflix streaming on June 14, “Ultraman: Rise” has entered the top ten in 69 countries and regions in its second week of release, demonstrating the global appeal of the Ultraman series. The Ultraman Card Game is also designed to be enjoyed by many fans around the world.
“The release of the Ultraman card game from Tsuburaya Productions to the U.S. market comes at a perfect time, as the Ultraman fan base in the U.S. continues to grow, in part due to the huge success of Netflix Ultraman: Risethe announcement of the Ultraman x Avengers crossover Marvel comic series, and the English version of the next live-action Ultraman series to be released on July 6, Ultraman Chapter“, said Danny Simon, President of Tsuburaya Fields Media.
Ultraman fans in the United States will be able to test the game at the Tsuburaya Productions booth (No. 3729) at San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC). “Ultraman Card Game” will be officially launched in four languages: Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese on October 25.