March 26, five suggestions from this week’s top comics may have obvious omissions –Batman #158: Hush 2. The reason is largely because I think readers already know if they are going to buy this comic. I mean, the store has booked over 400,000 copies and it also happens to be the most read sequel Batman Comics of all time.
Of course, we will have a comprehensive review of this subtitle release in tomorrow’s DC Overview column, and frankly, I think that’s mostly good. However, it’s a week full of (my number is the third in a row), so I’d rather recommend other titles here that some of our readers might miss. What titles? Well, you can find those below, as well as the usual release list… Enjoy!
Top comics purchased on March 26
Absolute Mars Hunter #1
writer: Camp Deniz
artist: Javier Rodriguez
letter: Hassan Otsane-Elhaou
Publisher: DC Comics
Beyond Mars… Beyond Body Form… Beyond Human Understanding… Everything else is the ultimate alien: the absolute Mars Hunter!
Why it’s cool: This book is an example of the perfect timing, which contains two of the most exciting things in journal comics – writers Deniz Camp and DC’s Absolute Comics. If not enough, it’s one of the favorite artists in superhero comics with Javier Rodriguez. I’ll be giving this a full review in tomorrow’s DC Overview column, but for now I’m just saying it’s a must-buy.
price: $4.99
Falling in love on the road to hell #7
writer: Gerry Duggan
artist: Gary Brown
Colorist: Chris O’Halloran
letter: Joe Sabino
Asami and Maplaith’s exploration of the island is not as planned as the new player of horror emerges from the forest: This is the first appearance of the Caledonian butcher! He fell into something rough. It seems that the life of a lover is not difficult enough. Mohan and his admirers are still trying to kill them, and if they have hope of leaving Purgatory, they must deal with any destruction that fled the island. Happy Hell Day!
Why it’s cool: I’ve written it Fall in love on the road to hell. 1When the deal was earlier this year. I really liked the series, with its excellent execution and unlikely ingredients mixed together, and I think the first issue of the new story is the best comics in this series. This is also the result chapter, and it seems that the major actions that are about to happen are being set. Don’t miss this book.
price: $3.99
All #1 Free
cartoonist: Patrick Horvath
Publisher: They press
In the future, the World Fiscal Union exists to benefit all, randomly selecting people from the world’s billionaires and trillions of people and giving them the option: either donate half of their assets to the common good or defend them in ritual combat.
Why it’s cool: Patrick Horvath’s 56-page independent shot is Patrick Horvath, who has quickly identified his work over the past year or so. This book is no exception. It’s a great concept, better execution, and a real example of a super long single problem, a story of a camera comic. Don’t miss it.
price: $7.99
Ultimate Wolverine #3
writer: Chris Condon
artist: Alessandro Cappuccio
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
letter: Corey Little
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Winter soldiers strike two members of the opposition: Kitty Pryde and Gambit! But did the two recognize the person behind the mask?
Why it’s cool: and The final X-Men Do your own, very solid things, it seems The ultimate wolf Work is being done to incorporate familiar X-Men characters into the new Ultimate Universe. All three questions on this title are great so far, which is a honor for the book that Gambit appears, but it still doesn’t affect my enjoyment of this comic. It’s a perfect blend of superhero action and suspense storytelling, and the issue ends in cliff-blocked hell.
price: $4.99
You’ll do bad things #1
writer: Boss Taylor
artist: Adriano Adriano
Lettering: Hassan Otsane-Elhaou
Publisher: Image comics
It has been a decade since he was released from his smile, and the real crime bombing hits the brutal murder committed by the nursery rhyme killer. But in the decade since its release, its author Seth Holms has not received another title. He wanted to write a story written with a happy ending, but whenever his fingers were clamped on the keyboard, it always ended with the character’s death. Is it worse? These blood and barbaric stories that flow freely from Seth’s thoughts begin to happen in real life.
Why it’s cool: I’m a big fan of the story/comics about the writer, and that’s what we get here – a new book about the writer, and whatever he does, the killer goes into his story and slaughteres his characters. What I was particularly impressed in this is how it uses comic art to blur the lines between reality, making the murders on the page feel and look real. This is awesome stuff and an easy choice for my favorite comic on March 26.
price: $3.99
Other comics I liked this week
Absolute Wonder Woman #6
- Batman, Long-Term Halloween – Last Halloween #6
- Batman #158
- Big Burn #3
- Black Canary – Best #5
- Doll Parts: Acacia Story #4
- Justice League Infinity #5
- Metamorpho – Elemental Human #4
- Night #14
- Season #3
- Ultimate Spider-Man #15
- Wonder Woman #19
New #1 and single shot
Bitter Root: Next Action #1
- Deadpool and Wolverine – Cut off #1 (One-time)
- Doom #1
- Much less than 1
- All #1 Free (One-time)
- Godzilla and Fantastic Four #1 (One-time)
- Harley Quinn Test Man – Silent Ass Deadly #1 (One-time)
- Kids #1 (One-time)
- Our Brilliant Ruins – The Horror of Forced Lifting Mansion #1
- Peacemaker Gift – Vigil, Eagle-like Dual Function #1
- pooluminati #1 (Once-Off)
- Red Sonja Attack Mars #1
- Solomon Kane: Snake Ring #1
- Universal Monster – Mummy #1
- Vampirella #1
- We bring everyone to us #1
- X-Manhunt Omega #1 (Once-Off)
Graphic novels and trade collections
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