Despite their honorary position as Marvel’s first family, and their original comic book will soon become the Marvel Universe, Fantastic Four has not yet appeared in the DC/Marvel crossover, as the 20th century is shutting up. Not even 1996 DC and Marvel The series seems to have special features Everyonemaking any real space for them, the torches of humanity and things share only one veneer cameo on all of its pages, and the team’s other half doesn’t even have that much space.
Maybe it’s just because their numbers make it harder for them to pair with DC characters. Perhaps like four of them, too many of them meet with DC’s traditional crossover stars Superman or Batman, but few of them also fight with the entire DC team with Justice League, Titans or New Gods and/or teams with the entire DC team. DC Have done it There are several quartets in their character catalog, in the form of the Doom Patrol and the unknown Kirby created Challenger, but perhaps none of them are considered FF’s fit, as well as high-profile books like inter-company crossovers.
For whatever reason, they seem to be very low on the DC/Marvel crossover priority list until they shared the 1999 book with Iron Man (like FF).
He draws a line between Superman as K’s last son and FF’s opponent Galactus, FF’s Destroyed Planet, and furthers into his own creation and pet character Cyborg Superman, whose origins are clearly based on the source of Fantastic Four.
First of all, although it is not obvious from the collection 600 Miracle All We’ve been reviewing our own way, and the book was published on the same larger 10-inch by 13.5-inch “Treasury Format” that is the first three DC/Marvel crossovers in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
It’s undoubtedly a great showcase of Jurgens’ art, done here by Art Thibert and painted in color by Gregory Wright. Even in smaller sizes, it looks good. Cleaner and smoother than usual. (Although I recently saw the 90s art of Jurgens, I still think Jerry Ordway looks the best in 1994 ink Zero Hours: Time Crisis).
The cover is cool, too. You can’t tell from that tramp image at the top of my post, but that’s Alex Ross painted with a pencil by Jurgens, who undoubtedly instilled the image of the book with an epic scan.
Second, for its premise, Superman/Fantasy Four is one of the few such stories, where DC and Marvel Universes are seen as independent and unique dimensions in the large multiverse, only under certain conditions their obstacles violate.
When Superman receives a K-spreading crystal, his father Jor-el’s hologram tells him that Easton’s destruction is actually accelerated by a feeder, the Iron Man yells, “heard his presence,” from other universe. “Realizing that if Galactus could enter the superhuman universe, he might one day pose a threat to the earth, he flew away to find experts about dangerous universe entities.
“And find them…I need to Right to use,“He said.
Superman obviously found out that he had deviated from the panel and entered the Marvel Universe through his power, the story reached Superman and the Dock 4 of Fantastic Four at the time. Superman will arrive soon and the villain attacks.
Cyborg Superman Hank Henshaw came out of K’s crystal (he obviously saw it reaching Earth’s orbit and hitchhiking), and he immediately had FF’s computers and defenses and used them to fight the heroes.
Meanwhile, Galactus arrives, kidnapped Superman, injecting him with a power universe, making him a new pioneer, involving some makeover: Superman’s cloak disappears, and his skin and costumes turn into shiny gold.
Meanwhile, the remaining magic threes are dealing with Cyborg Superman: If he will help them track Galactus in space using K’s crystal, then they will release him from Sue’s Forcefield Cage. He agreed, mainly because he Want to be the all-round Herald of Galactus (that is, he hides in the intercepted crystal after all).
Eventually, Reed’s Smart Man and Franklin remind Superman of his true self, frees Iron Man from Galactus’s Thrall, foils the Earth-eating giant, and reaches a conflict resolution with him that enables the conflict to end the book to end the book.
As for the worry that the Jigen people here irreversibly changed the legend of Superman and left the Milky Way around K, it turns out that the story was the invention of the robot Superman.
On this later date, the crossover has ended and after it officially stopped, there are only three to go. One of them (actually the next) will feature Superman again and end up being perhaps the best, if not one of the best people in DC/Marvel Crossovers.
Next step: 1999 Incredible Hulk and Superman