List details
- Straitsx USD trading pairs:husd / usdt.
- Extraction time:2025-03-20 08:00 (UTC).
- List Fee:0 BNB.
- To prepare for the transaction, users can now start depositing XUSD.
XUSD’s release belongs to the transaction fee of Binance. This means that all qualified users can trade XUSD/USDT locations and margin pairs for free.

About straitsx usd
Straitsx is a large licensed payment agency and is the issuer of Dollar Stablecoin, Xusd. Reliability and stability can be achieved through the fact that XUSD is fully supported by extremely liquid reserve assets and can always be exchanged for USD on a 1:1 basis. With the security of the dollar, XUSD facilitates almost instantaneous transactions, simplifies financial processes and connects traditional and digital financial ecosystems.
Learn more: What is Stablecoin?