•I finally saw it Captain America: A Brave New World The past week. I would have tried to see the weekend open when I thought studios and other stakeholders would like me to see it more, but unfortunately, there are no cinemas in my hometown anymore so I had to wait until I’m with a city and There are hours to kill (we have two The cinema I grew up here! ).
•Good, like most Marvel movies, aren’t the best movies, nor one of the worst movies. As I said before, they really want to perfect the process of making the perfect superhero movie.
• Even though I haven’t seen two of the previous three Marvel works that seem to have fed this thing (eternal and Falcon and winter soldiersall start in 2021).
•I Have done it Want to know which viewers who have not read Marvel Comics may be some of them. For example, even with some short conversations to explain, I only know and understand the entire deal for a particular character, because I happened to read a specific comic series 22 years ago.
•I am so happy for that particular actor who may have been waiting to execute this particular role (and collect a specific salary) for over 15 years.
•They explained one beard, not another.
•I prefer Sam’s first suit to the second one. The first one is brighter, with lots of white inside, and seems better like what I remember his Captain America suit looks like in the comics. The second one looks darker and looks more monotonous.
•I don’t like when comics movies use superhero characters, but never use their superhero or superhero names, but just their civilian status.
•It’s great to see and hear Liv Tyler for so long (the last movie I’ve seen was the 2014 movie Space Station 76). Marvel needs to bring her Betty Ross back to Mark Ruffalo with Bruce Banner in the movie, not Edward Norton. I think they will be a lovely couple.