Patricio Valladares‘ Quote shouting It is a film about the importance of nuance and particularity. Consider the setup. The film was produced in 1997 and follows a female black metal band in Chile, three strong women known as Yell, who headed to the forest area to shoot demonstration tapes and released along with their 4 record boxes. They document everything they did from the moment they arrived in a classic discovery fashion, explored many things they liked, and had a total dislike of metal. In a scene early in the story, Ruth, the girl who records most of the experiences (Andrea Ozuljevich) Ask the lead singer Andrea (María Jesús Marcone), why they use ferrous metal to express their voices. Andrea was not satisfied with the issue. She was angry and corrected the new girl. She said the summoning shout was not black metal. It is black metal for depression suicide (actually exists by the way). There is a difference, which is very important.
This communication dyes the rest of the film, which makes the horror slowly manifest after it gets darker. Ruth points out the band’s metal error brand as a fundamental hatred, just looking for excuses to be violent. It is this dynamic that makes Quote shouting Such a clever and horrible horror movie.
Quote shouting It’s a metal horror movie all over, though it’s closer to culture than music. While there are some examples of playing songs in the background, don’t expect a powerful soundtrack here. Instead, the focus is on how these three women live and breathe metal and their input in every aspect of it. The girls threw the trumpet signs, and every chance they got, they took out the corpse paint before they even finished speaking. Additionally, Andrea carried a recording device to capture psychological phages, and ghost sounds were rumored to be heard where people died.
All this is provided for the metal form they choose. For example, they believe that suicide black metal bands as depression need to be surrounded by dark thoughts and emotions that are surrounded by their songs. This story explores how far afield can be taken and what arises in the process by showing the details of their chosen lifestyle.
The concept is excellent thanks to three performances that drive the story. Riding with Andrea and Ruth is Tania, by Macarena Carrereone of three. She brought a little interest to the trip, but whenever she asked a question or acted like a big part of the band, she seemed to notice Andrea’s bullish behavior towards Ruth, too. They project a sense of dysfunction, forming their shared interests into a connective tissue that is partially adversely infected.
In this regard, the movie from Blair Witch Project. The three film students at this story center also stand out as they work hard to keep their anger at the people who perform with each other. When it fails, when the cronies are out of date, their situation gets worse. As a result, the terror element intensifies in intensity and threat. The witch’s influence collects power and lingers around the group. Also there Quote shoutingalthough confirmation is made whether the supernatural powers will last longer here. The final scene of the film has benefited greatly from it, as some reveal many of the meanings of the film, as the spotlight lands on each film, allowing for a layered reading of the horrible things that happen along the way.
There are a lot to pour Quote shouting. Its narrative details reward those who lock every word and camera shot to decipher its mystery. It respects metal and its specialized subgenres to explore, for those metal heads entering the film, expecting the sarcastic satirical satirical stuff of their own clan. Satanist cliches and lots of gore can make everything have a cheap metal music video look, which is easy. But this movie is smarter than that. It wants to have a more serious conversation. And, if there is something about metal, it is that you really have to know what you are saying to make the most of the darkness it brings.