I won’t buy this number. I didn’t know the character, I didn’t read any stories until I saw him hanging on a nail on my local target, it didn’t call me. He looked cooler in person than he looked on live, and it’s been ten seconds since I opened the new plastic, so I picked him up. This also inspired me to read the Spider-Man stories available on the Marvel app. The good news is that I love comics, now I am a fan, the bad news is that I know that comics do highlight some of the problems with the character. Let’s take a look at the Marvel Legends Spider-Boy action characters.
The card is a retro style with air bubbles between two pieces of cardboard, providing a very durable display piece that can showcase the graphics well if it is your business. I do like cross-selling on the back, mainly throwing on old style packaging, but also reminds what is in the actual wave, as these seem to hit in the full case of a single person at different times and I am forgetful.
Spider-Man comes with almost the least amount of stuff, including a removable packaging, two sets of hands (Thwipp and fist) and a replacement head.
Thwipp’s hand is standard for Spider-Man, but this particular character doesn’t actually use the web shooter in the book. After some unspecified events that readers are imagined, Peter has a joke that Peter takes them away. Now, I think he could have brought them back to the comics because I’m on the app schedule, not the current one, or he’ll get them in the future, so that’s not the biggest problem for me. I could have crawled with the walls, and I think those bodies do exist, and in the comics he usually opens his hands with his open fingers.
The package has several nice paint hits and is secured to the nail holes at the back. Aside from looking cool, the metal quality really gave his taste some practical features. For me, the highlight is the alternative head with monster teeth. The monster side is part of my appeal to Spider Boys, so I’m glad they included it. I think I would appreciate my eyes with a glossy yellow paint, but the gold is shocking.
Overall, the engraving of this number is great for its nature, but for Spider Boy he is a bit big. I think it reads more like a spider, which makes sense because he reused the Ultimate Spider/Mile from the Venom Wave. That said, many artists bring him closer to this scale, but I boil down to artists without facilities attracting kids. He is still small, but has a smaller definition of muscularity, probably half an inch shorter.
There is a little more pronounced Hasbro Marvel legend than other recently released releases, as he reused the older waist, AB crunch and hinged neck. I think it’s good for the character, but the ankles are hampered by the shoes. Initially, I couldn’t get too many hinges on my ankles at all, but at some point, the joints were released and I was able to get a really good forward hinge. Unfortunately, the rotation of the forward needle does not cause any movement of the rocker. But, I do have the hinged neck that lifts his head better than any ball joint allowed by a domestic figure.
The paint work is clean, but I do question the color choice. I don’t think blue is blue to the blue in the comics.
Overall, I have a lot of fun with this number, but I do see a lot of very annoying little questions. I think ideally he would get his own new basic body, and the reused teenager body is close to here. I have no awareness of the popularity of the Spider Boys about the public, so I don’t know if he promises to do things again at some point, let alone a brand new body carving. I love the Spider Boy issue I’ve read, which may mean it will be cancelled next month, so I’m glad to have a number, but there’s definitely room for improvement.