The Moon Girl and the Devil Dinosaur animated series will return with a new series next month. Don’t you know, this year is the first time Lunella Layfatte debuted with jack kirbyThe fan-favorite devil dinosaur. To celebrate this milestone, Marvel announced Moon Girl and the Devil Dinosaur 10th Anniversary Special Available for one use on Wednesday 2nd AprilND.
The special will reunite the two co-creators, writers of Moongirl Brandon Montclair and artist Natasha Bustos A completely new story. Likewise, one-shots will feature new stories from writers Justina Ireland and artist Luca Claretti This introduces the pair’s antagonists, Demon Girl and Moon Dinosaur.
Official description from the press release:
It’s a birthday celebration ten years in the making, and the entire Marvel Universe is invited! But Moon Girl is bringing her own agenda to the party – what could her secret plan be? When the mischievous Impossible threatens to ruin the festivities, Lunella must rally her guests in a way that only the smartest minds in the Marvel Universe can! Also: Who are the Devil Girl and the Moon Dinosaur?
Montclair expressed excitement about returning to the role:
“Time flies when you’re having fun!” Montclair said. In 2015, Natacha Bustos and I joined a host of talented creators to create Moon Girl. It seems like just yesterday that Marvel welcomed a new super-genius superhero—and she’s only 9 years old. To celebrate the character’s 10th anniversary, the two of us (along with an even better cast of talent) are celebrating Lunella Lafayette’s 10th birthday. Join us for the big party.
Bustos echoed the same sentiment:
“Coming back and painting Moon Girl and Demonic Dinosaurs felt like coming home,” Bustos shared. “This series has always been important to me. It’s remarkable how the character has resonated in different contexts over the past decade, and it’s fascinating to consider that many of the adult readers of these new pages are Children who first grew up with the comic book series.”
Editor Mark Paniccia added:
“Brandon and Natasha gave us and Lunella one of the best birthday stories in Marvel history!” promised editor Mark Paniccia. “I can’t wait for readers to discover Lunela’s descendant, the Demon Girl, and her laser-eyed flying blue dinosaur! You can’t miss this special one!
In addition to the main cover of the superstar artist Nick Bradshawthis Moon Girl and the Devil Dinosaur 10th Anniversary Special #1 will have variant covers of Bustos and Anand Ramcheronthe latter paying homage to Bustos’ iconic Moon Girl and the Devil Dinosaur #1 Cover shows off Demon Girl and Moon Dinosaur for the first time!