Vault Comics has announced a new initiative.
Comic distribution is starting to become more diverse, with announcements and new plans being made for the long haul after Diamond Comics filed for bankruptcy. Regarding the latter, Image will no longer be sold through Diamond.
Vault has announced a new plan to sell their comics directly to retailers—no more middlemen. This plan has been brewing for a while—Vault is currently published by Lunar and Simon & Schuster—but it will be interesting to see if more small publishers come up with their own plans for where and how stores will get their comics .
This direct-to-retailer program will complement the existing pipeline, with all new Vault games becoming part of the new system.
“We want to ensure that our books are delivered to fans, comic shops and booksellers in the best way possible,” said Damian Wassel, CEO of Vault. “We believe launching direct-to-retailer distribution is a great addition to our business, our This is the right step for creators and our fans, and we look forward to delivering some incredible books directly to the retailers who have helped us build Vault.
However, as a result of the move, Vault will adjust release dates and formats for future projects, meaning some existing orders will be delayed or even cancelled, and new tenders will be issued. Changes to the format and release date will be announced in the coming weeks.
More via PR:
Vault’s direct-to-retailer distribution platform will launch on February 3, with a selection of key back-list and front-list titles available for immediate ordering. Additional back-list and front-list titles will be available to order in the coming weeks.
Retailers interested in setting up a direct selling account can register here.
New retail accounts signed up before February 28th will receive free shipping on all orders for the first six months. Products will be offered to retailers at a discount of at least fifty percent off the retail price, with additional discounts automatically provided for each order based on the total order cost. Thereafter, the base discount will be determined based on account order volume, and free shipping will continue to be available on qualifying orders. Packaging, shipping schedules, and shortage and damage policies will meet or exceed industry standards.
There are more developments…and rumored developments…in the Diamond story. We’ll have a full summary in tomorrow’s newsletter.