What’s at the top of this list isn’t legendary or something that requires a lot of energy. Starfish Precursor is a low-risk card that can deal massive damage quickly, making it a great choice for water-based decks. Its splash attack only requires two points of energy to deal 90 points of damage. Another fantastic benefit is that it has zero withdrawal costs, which means you can easily replace it if you’re worried it might become obsolete soon.
The only obstacle to Starmie ex is that you need to evolve Staryu for it. In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a big deal. Hydro Splash will definitely knock you out if you don’t take a chunk out of most Pokémon. Meanwhile, 130 HP will help it withstand most attacks. Every water-based deck will be improved by including or building on the Starfish front card.
It’s unclear how the meta will change, but for now, these are the best cards yet. If you’re interested in how to use some of these cards in your deck, we’ve got you covered Four meta-dominant constructs.