It took us 10 years to get here, but we finally did it Dragon Age: Veiled Wardensthe fourth entry in BioWare’s beloved (and controversial) fantasy role-playing game series. The sequel is a direct continuation of 2014’s Inquisitionand moved entirely into action RPGs. Your opinion on this may vary, but I love this game despite a decade of growing cynicism about it.
it probably has Best cast of characters Some incredible lore has been dropped in the series, and overall the series feels like a fresh start after a decade of development hell. Veil GuardThe show’s launch has also been abysmal, as it’s become the centerpiece of ongoing online culture wars, but the series is no stranger to such controversy.
We’ll have a lot of coverage of the RPG over the next few weeks, including more reviews, guides, and community stories, but if you’re looking for some of the great content we’ve got so far, here’s a summary of our coverage since launch Week.