black ops 6 It’s finally here and like many others I’m already addicted to its latest version Cooperative zombie mode. When published, black ops 6 There are two maps, Liberty Falls and Terminal. The former is arguably the mode’s starting map, and already features a neat set of new mechanics, tricks, and secrets, including a vault containing tons of random loot for players to unlock. Terminus, on the other hand, has an armory that operates in a similar manner, although the Liberty Falls vault requires a more concerted effort to hack. The key to getting both stashes are loot keys you might pick up from killing zombies.
As usual, Zombies loves good Easter eggs and puzzles, and understanding vaults, armories, and those loot keys isn’t as obvious as gluing one thing to another. First, you have to access the vault (this is a short and simple process that may sound more complicated than it is) and the armory. Once you’re inside, Then You can insert keys into slots and get some nice loot. Let’s break it down into a few steps that are easy to understand and easy to follow.
Loot keys and where to find them
High level enemies will often drop loot keys. By “high-level enemies” I mean the elites who appear as skulls on the minimap. Essentially, killing Shatters, Abominations, and Amalgams is the only way to get the Loot Key.
Loot keys, just like real weapons black ops 6Zombie mode is divided into different levels. In ascending order, they are Green, Blue, Purple and Gold, with the higher the level, the better rewards you get from the vault or armory. Players can only hold one key down at a timeso if you’re visiting the vault and want your trip to be meaningful, make sure you have the right key for the job.
Cracking the vault
Now comes the slightly more complicated part. In a bank in the city center, there is a vault, and the combination requires three two-digit numbers. You’ll have to look for these numbers at various locations around town, including Comic book store, bowling alley and a table outside the vault itself. The numbers will appear on yellow sticky notes and should be easy to find once you know exactly where you’re looking.
Additionally, once you have all the vault numbers that are randomly generated for each game, you will need to enter them in the correct order. The numbers will appear on different sides of the note from left to right. When you memorize the numbers themselves, pay attention to their placement so that you can enter the combination in one go. If this is not done, the player will not be able to attempt it for a few seconds, although another player can enter it themselves without waiting.
Here are all the places you can find vault numbers in Liberty Falls:

Inside the vault
Once the vault is open, a button prompt will invite you to enter, loading you into a separate instance. Inside the vault, you’ll be surrounded by a wall of safes, although most of them aren’t actually robable. Those that can have a faint outline and a button prompt telling you to insert the key when you hover over them.
Once you’re inside, a timer will count down from 45 seconds, giving you time to enter your loot key and distribute your rewards. These rewards range from weapons to killstreaks that can be deployed in matches, granting you brief moments of invincibility when using them. You can voluntarily exit the vault, but you can also take advantage of these 45 seconds, as this is probably the most peace of mind you’ll get this round. Fortunately, as a way to protect yourself from zombies Can Outside, exiting the vault (or armory, for that matter) does cause some sort of explosion around your character, clearing a path if there are any obstacles.
Raid the Armory
Fortunately, the armory at Terminal is easier to access. After starting a race on the finish line, you’ll be asked to activate a series of generators to restore power to the island, activate perk machines, and Pack-a-Punch upgrade stations, but they’ll also open some doors around the map. The first generator actually opens two doors outside the building it’s in, and following the path to the left will take you down a set of steps and into the room where the armory is located.

Similar to the vault on Liberty Falls, you’ll enter the armory and start a timer that will boot you out of the room once completed. Until then, use the loot keys you collect to access lockers in the armory and receive random rewards.
That’s everything you need to know about using the loot keys in the vaults in Liberty Falls and the armory in Terminal. Their implementation on both maps seems to indicate that we should get used to seeing loot keys in future maps. There will undoubtedly be more secrets to uncover on both maps, so once you’ve cracked them, buckle up and remember to duck into the vaults and armory.