From its establishment in 2008 to 2019, Marvel released 23 movies in more than ten years, now known as “Marvel Movies.” infinite saga. The entire story follows Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as they battle Thanos, a Mad Titan obsessed with bringing balance to the universe. But one of the biggest omissions from the comics the saga is based on is the character of Lady Death. Five years after the end infinite sagathe MCU finally has Ms. Death thanks to its latest episode Agatha has always. Here’s what you need to know about powerful cosmic beings.
Before we dive into Lady Death’s comic origins and the potential powers she brings to the Marvel Universe, let’s talk about her debut. There’s a big spoiler warning here, so if you haven’t seen episode seven yet Agatha has alwaysthen don’t read it! OK The latest episode of the Disney+ series starring Kathryn Hahn, who plays the eponymous witch, reveals that Aubrey Plaza’s Rio Vidal is none other than Lady Death herself bombshell. The reveal came at the end of the show’s best episode yet. fans have Already guessed it That’s thanks to not-so-subtle hints within the show and an unfortunate Funko Pop leak. But what does this actually mean for the MCU?
Lady Death, Mistress Death, or Just Death was created by Mike Friedrich and Jim Starling and first appeared on captain marvel #26 1973. But “Death” was released in 1991 Infinity Gauntlet The arc was written by Starling. In the story, the Mad Titan Thanos wipes out half the population of the universe to attract the attention of his beloved Death. Infinity Gauntlet Will become the basis of MCU infinite sagabut death will not appear. Death has never played as big a role as she has in the Marvel Universe in the years that followed. Infinity Gauntletand is known for making brief appearances in other characters’ stories. In recent years, one of her regular roles has been playing the lover dead Pool.
The most interesting aspect of Death is her power. Death is not a god or a superhero, but a cosmic entity. This means that she is the living embodiment of death and the end of all life in the universe. For lack of a better word to describe her, she is all-powerful. Her comic book appearance suggests that she can kill and resurrect any being she chooses, take any form, and even control time and reality. This would make her the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe.
The question is whether the dead version of Aubrey Plaza in the Marvel Universe will be as powerful as her comic book counterpart. We haven’t seen her use her powers so far, but this version of the character leans more toward the mystical side of the Marvel Universe than the cosmic side, so she’s in Agatha has always. The play implies that her relationship with Agatha was troubled by the death of Agatha’s son, a death that could theoretically erase the relationship. When Death was introduced to the rest of the pack as Leo Vidal, she stated that she was the original Green Witch, meaning that her magical powers gave her some influence over life and death.
This tracks who Death is, but could also hint that the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of the character is much more limited in power and authority than we thought. Death in comics has few rules, but the Marvel Universe’s version may be more of a stewardship of those who have passed away. This restriction on Death would help explain the tension between her and Agatha, as well as why Death doesn’t resurrect any of the dead Coven members. With two episodes left, it will be interesting to see what else we learn about the MCU iteration of Deathstroke.