Nothing but love for Christophe Gans – I still think the first silent Hill The movie is better than people give it credit for – but four years after he honestly brought this cursed town to life, one of the GOATs, Martin Scorsese, comes along and delivers on everything the series has to offer A deeper commitment, not even intending to do so, and a killer brawl involving prestige actors (pun not intended). Of course, they’re led by Scorsese’s current favorite Leo DiCaprio.
No, there are no monsters with twitching legs or Pyramid Head running around, but there is a disturbing Misty Island Asylum, a mystery about a murdered wife, an underground hell where real madmen mock our so-called heroes, A wounded nurse repentes for her actions, and there’s a huge twist silent hill 2 Fans will be sincerely grateful. Basically, all this really bad psychological torture, guilt, shame and fear that a lot of people silent Hill The media made a mistake and Scorsese effortlessly did the right thing.