Although this season Pretty Cure The show is unique in many ways, but two entries stand out, at least among legitimate Western dramas. The first is the obvious romantic subplot, which really unfolds in episode thirty-six; though Delicious Party PreCure There was indeed a Black Pepper/Cure Precious storyline, but his feelings were never officially reciprocated. There are hints of romance in it Kira Kira Pretty Cure Fashionbut these are not yet fully developed, this applies to go! Princess PreCure as well as. (I didn’t count The Power of Hope: PreCure in Bloom Because this is where permission was not granted at the time of writing Yes 5 and walk walk walk But starting in episode thirty-six, both Satoru and Iroha are completely honest about their feelings, and Iroha spends much of the episode trying to think about her emotions and potential changes in her relationship with her friends. This is a major plot point in her character arc, showing how she grew up differently than other healers, and built on the healthy relationships modeled by her parents.
This ties into another major difference in this season’s long run franchise. The healers themselves are much more important than the battle they are fighting. It was obvious early on wonderful Pretty Cure There won’t be as much emphasis on “beating” the villain, but a less violent, gentler approach – rehabilitation rather than beating. The result is more about quelling anger than slaying monsters, but also looking at things from a more introspective perspective. franchise. We see that Mayu is only able to transform into Cure Lillian as she becomes more comfortable and confident with herself, which is a regular theme of the series, with Yuki becoming more as she accepts that she has no control over Mayu’s life and Iroha. Good Cure. Iroha’s budding relationship with Satoru will have a major impact on her future. We start to see this in the final episode of the series. The Cure Friendship is thrown into panic when one of Takaoh’s generals, Zakuro, attempts to kidnap Satoru during a battle with Takaoh. She didn’t even stop using her “Help! Chiralin” powers; she simply pushed away from the sand, trying to reach him using only the power of her jumps. She only succeeds when she fails and realizes she must use all means to successfully rescue him, which is similar to Mayu’s character arc of constantly learning to adapt to herself. Flanders’ feelings for Satoru help her overcome her panic, and only by becoming aware of these feelings can she achieve victory.
This scene is also important for the entire team. Flanders may start out acting alone, but by the end, Niami, Lillian, and Miracle join in helping Flanders and Satoru return safely. Contrast that with Zakuro and her comrade General Torame; they rarely interact and always attack alone. They also didn’t get much help or feedback from Gaou, leaving them to their own devices. This means that the Healers are stronger not only because they are on the side of good, but also because they work together and have outside help like Satoru, Nico, and Daifuku. (Mey Mey, at this point, is mostly comic relief, although I daresay Satoru might call him something else after the events of episode thirty-five.) Zakuro stole Satoru because she thought he Very attractive; she finds him attractive. Friendly got him back because she knew he was a whole person who meant something to her, a level of emotional intelligence that Zakuro couldn’t achieve.
Since the series is based on a symbiotic relationship between humans and pets, the focus can be on relationships rather than combat. As well as being reminded that Daifuku loves and supports Satoru despite being unable to talk to him, this is explored in a wider context in these episodes as the team visits zoos and farms, allowing the story to see people and animals How to interact in different environments. The farm episode features a working sheepdog whose human/dog relationship is very different from Mugi and Iroha. The show is careful to demonstrate that “different” doesn’t mean their classmate Okuma and her border collie Andy don’t have the same heart-warming partnership as Iroha and Mugi, while also setting the stage for a discussion of what it’s like to have a working dog with so many others The varieties are different. (You don’t want to have one and not give them a job – trust me.) The Zoo episode highlights Iroha’s affection for one of the Zoo’s residents while also gently exploring the ethics of the Zoo as an institution. Satoru’s scientific explanation – that zoos allow humans to see and learn about animals – contrasts sharply with Zakuro’s anger at animals being kept in zoos. It avoids saying that Zakuro might be right, but it does open the door for the intended child audience to discuss the topic with adults, which is important.
With the arrival of Niko, the world’s smallest and liveliest unicorn, the healers gain their most important power. similar Go princesswhich comes in the form of a plastic castle that, once unlocked, offers a new, flashier set of costumes and group attacks. In this case, the look is diamond ribbon style, and there’s a nice active element to the transformation, with the healer pressing the center of their magic-infused ribbon to activate it. The dresses have a fun feather theme, which feels a little weird since Nico is a unicorn and not a pegasus. Still, the look is nice and closer in theme to the girls’ regular clothing than other seasons’ clothing. Niko herself doesn’t seem to be doing much besides curbing Mey Mey’s urges, but that only supports the assertion that this season is about character rather than action. They need Nico and their transformation to fight, but their true power comes from themselves and their relationship.
With this, Wonderful PreCure! Enter the final course. It doesn’t look like Satoru and Daifuku will transform outside of the movie, but as we see in the movie Go princesswhich does not mean they are powerless or unimportant. Every friendship is important, whether it’s new or rekindled, and over the final dozen or so episodes we’ll see if that magic can be applied to Go-oh and his minions.