StarCraft: Lower Decks: Twisted Your Own Way
Written by: Ryan North
Artistic creation: Chris Fenoglio
Color by: Charlie Kirchhoff
Letter: Jeff Eckerberry
Publisher: inverse distance weighting method
Publication date: October 22, 2024
first one Star Wars: Lower Decks The original graphic novel is also the first interactive graphic novel in the series (although no franchised The first ever choose your own adventure story). exist StarCraft: Lower Decks: Twisted Your Own Way”, readers embark on a mind-bending adventure with Junior Lieutenant Beckett Marriner, asking: “What if… the story of CYOA had a science fiction explanation?”
Reviewing this will be extremely difficult. It’s not that I have mixed feelings about OGN. It’s so good that it’s worth more than its weight in Latin. But it would be a terrible shame to spoil too many of the book’s surprises, which will make discussion in this review a challenge.
So if you are a fan lower deckmy advice is to stop reading now and choose this title yourself. The less you know about the book, the more you can let its twists and turns unfold for themselves.
no small parts
first, change your own way It is the product of all the efforts of the creative team. North and Fenoglio are lower deck comics alumni, Previously collaborated on three miniseries in 2022. For this reason, they began creating this graphic novel, establishing the tone and aesthetic from the first page.
For North, the CYOA story is also well-trodden territory. Maybe you already like his illustrated prose “Road Adventure” novels, Romeo and/or Juliet and exists or does not exist. He is also no stranger to CYOA comics. remember The Incomparable Squirrel Girl (2015B) #7 (artwork: Erica Hendersontrading card art Joy EllisColor by Rico Renzi with henderson and lettering Travis Lineham)? How could you forget?
Meanwhile, Fenoglio was sketching Cerritos Its crew has only been honed since the miniseries’ release. every role and internal Cerritos Just right, as if they were imported directly from the TV series. The ship’s exterior depiction continues the trend of miniseries, adopting a storybook aesthetic that lends itself well to a continuous graphic narrative. Plus, I loved the cameos from the comic’s creative team (including StarCraft Group editing Heather Antos) throughout the story.
As for Kirchhoff’s colors, they are consistent and accurate: None Star Wars: The Animated Series Style palette issue here. Even though the dialogue boxes are a little unusual (you’ll see what I mean), Eckleberry’s font is always legible.
StarCraft: Lower Decks: Twisted Your Own Way
Now, it’s time to get blurry! change your own way It’s a cornucopia StarCraft References come from throughout the franchise’s history. This time, maybe a little more emphasis on hints Star Wars: The Original Series. But there are plenty of Easter eggs for fans of other shows, including Star Wars: Strange New Worlds. Again, without spoiling anything, the reason for all these inclusions is that it’s completely satisfying when it arrives.
Although there are many Cerritos The crew, including three other Beta Shifters and T’Lyn, appear in the story, and the graphic novel is clearly sailor-centric. This is not a problem. On the one hand, Sailor is clearly the main protagonist of the series. On the other hand, with the continued lower deck Comic series is taking off from North & co. Starting in November, it’s thought there will be plenty of opportunities for other characters to take center stage.
at last, change your own way It’s the kind of story that can only be effectively told through the medium of comics. Yes, CYOA stories are often illustrated prose, but their inherently animated nature lower deck Meaning that the artwork is an integral component. I mean, if it wasn’t conveyed through art, would Beta Shifters in togas or a bunch of penguins in visors be just as funny (both images appear on the cover of the book, so don’t blame me blame me for mentioning them)? I think not.
if you are a fan lower deckyou should pick up this book at your earliest convenience. What an outstanding tribute to one of the best StarCraft Demonstrate everlasting boldness. You don’t want to miss it.
StarCraft: Lower Decks: Twisted Your Own Way Will be available at your local bookstore and/or public library beginning October 22, 2024.
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