This year’s inductees into the Harvey Award Hall of Fame have been announced, and they are a very deserving group: Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball Z), Arthur Adams (Uncanny X-Men), Larry Hama (Special Forces: Real American Heroes), Sergio Aragones (crazy), and John Buscema (the Avengers).
Akira Toriyama’s death earlier this year prompted tributes from readers of all kinds around the world, proving the enduring appeal of his Dragon Ball Z creations. Buscema’s Conan (and this splash page) lives on in the hearts of comics readers everywhere, and Arthur Adam’s contributions as a creator (long shot) and artist truly deserve a Hall of Fame induction. Hama’s G.I. Joe influenced storytelling for generations, and Aragonés is a legend as a cartoonist and character.
The Harvey Awards adopted the following statement:
Recognition of posthumous awards ToriyamaBird Studio Co., Ltd. and Capsule Corporation Tokyo issued the following statement: “We are very honored to receive such information: Akira Toriyama Has been inducted into the prestigious Harvey Award Hall of Fame. As a creator, he has always said that his work speaks for itself. We are especially grateful to our fans in the United States for their long-standing passionate and dedicated support. We hope you will continue to support his work for many years to come as we continue to develop and expand his masterpiece.
“I am extremely honored to be inducted into the Harvey Award Hall of Fame,” said Larry Hama. “I first met Harvey Kurtzman in 1966, when I was a student at the High School of Art and Design and frequently visited the offices of HELP! magazine. He and Art Director Terry Gilliam had a great love for this nerdy fan who wanted to be a cartoonist. Very friendly and opened flat file drawers to show me original artwork by R. Crumb, Willy Elder, John Severin, Jack Davis and many others. His open, enthusiastic personality made me feel like my goals were not what I feared. That’s so far out of reach.
“What an honor it is to be inducted into the Harvey Award Hall of Fame,” said Sergio Aragones. “Harvey was a huge inspiration to me and many other cartoonists.”
Daughter of John Buscema, Diana Buscema Gerogianisshared the following: “On behalf of my father, we are honored and grateful to all who selected him for induction into the Harvey Award Hall of Fame. Thank you for keeping his legacy alive.”
After learning about his employment, Arthur Adams Said: “Wow! What an unexpected honor! And to be selected alongside these four giants of comics! Amazing! Thank you so much for the Harvey Award! I’m shocked!
this 2024 Harvey Award Hall of Fame The course will be held at the 36th Harvey Awards Ceremony new york comic con. You can view this year’s Harvey Award nominees here.
Brad Gullickson and Lisa GullicksonThe hosts of the Comic Book Couples Counseling Podcast will co-host this year’s ceremony.