The good news is that Helldiver 2’s new “Star Battle Station” – which sounds like it could turn the galactic war on its head – is now under construction, in a location named after a beautiful Scandinavian town. That said, there is a new major order, because in order to complete the space station, Helldivewrs will need to be in the “transport megastructure” business.
Yeah, as if the atmosphere in Arrowhead couldn’t be better, the last MO ended with Helldivers essentially liberating the hometown of Arrowhead CCO Johan Pilestedt, because there’s an Easter egg there.
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If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the rub – in the final game of Helldivers 2 MO, players took control of the orbit of a factory called Gaellivare, which served as a place to build the New Democracy space station. It turns out that the planet is named after Gällivare, a small town in Swedish Lapland that appears to be Pileste’s hometown. So, developers are naturally very happy about this.
But the work never stops, and players of the game have deployed the new order to ensure that base construction continues smoothly.
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“The Democracy Space Station has entered the first of four construction phases. Its inspiring gray shell can already be seen in Gaellivare orbit,” it wrote. “Major scientific breakthroughs are required to reach the next stage of DSS development. The completed project will see the station be an order of magnitude larger than a super-destroyer, exceeding the transport capabilities of our current Alcubierre warp drives, without requiring the astronomical consumption of an E-710.
“The Helldivers were ordered to remove and contain Turing so that the Ministry of Science could establish a new, state-of-the-art xenoentomology center. The center would prototype and develop new high-efficiency Alcubierre drives capable of efficiently transporting megastructures like Same as DSS.
At the time of writing, Turing appears to have full control of Hellstalker, but with four days left until the order comes, there’s plenty of time for the buggers to launch an offensive that might make this MO no longer a walk in the park.
What other challenges do you think Arrow will present for the divers as they struggle to build this beautiful new space station in Helldiver 2? Let us know below.